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Hello all, new here to forum. My name is Rob - from Missouri - just south of St. Louis.


Not exactly new to scroll sawing, just recently purchased an old Delta 40-150 at a price I just couldn't pass up.

This was the best site I found in a search last night, couldn't help it and had to join.


Looking forward to many hours of fun.


Hi Rob. Welcome to the Village. We're glad you found us. Lots of great stuff to look at here. So many talented and friendly folks really made this place an amazing place to hang out. We'd love to see some of your work. You can set up a User Gallery (you can find a [tut]tutorial here[/tut]) and show off a little. Its fun to see what others are working on. Anyway, welcome aboard. Jump in and have some fun! :thumbs:


Thanks all. I've just got back into this wonderful hobby and will have to make a few practice pieces before I do anything serious. Anyway, I don't feel that I got hurt on that Delta 40-150 for $50 - can't really go wrong with a quality (and heavy) piece of equipment like that.


Now some of you might not consider it a Quality saw, but compared to the cheap inport junker I had years ago, it's a Cadillac.


Anyway, in time (and practice) i'll set up a gallery and post some pics on here.


Thanks again,


af0h - Rob


P.S. - af0h is my Ham Radio callsign, another hobby of mine.

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