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I'm not too good at speaking, but here goes. Been a member here since Jan.11, and just getting up the courage to introduce my self.

Been scrolling one thing or another since about 1988. Back then just things to paint. Saw was a single speed and blade changes or tensioning was a pain, so no real fretwork. Eventually got a better saw and did some fretwork, then started doing intarsia. Still do fretwork or anything that catches my eye.

That is the thing that I like about this group, you can do a variety of work, even woodburning and it is ok.

Glad to be a member



Hiya Fran. We're glad to have you on board! I've seen some of your intarsia in the gallery. You do some really nice work. I'm hoping to give intarsia a try this summer. I look forward to seeing some more of you work. I'm glad you introduced yourself. Lots of friendly folks here. Its just fun to chat with friends. Especially when its something we all have in common.


...That is the thing that I like about this group, you can do a variety of work, even woodburning and it is ok...


Variety is the spice of life. :) I think most of us dabble in other forms of woodworking or crafting. So why not share those too? Besides, you can pick up ideas from looking at other crafts/crafters. I remember seeing in one of the mags where they combined woodburning and fretwork. Turned out beautiful. So feel free to share some of your 'non-scrolling' projects too. We'd love to see them.


Anyway, welcome to the site. We're glad to have ya! :cool:


Hi Fran. Nice to meet you. Don't be shy...just join right in. We're all interested in your projects....we love pictures! Any tips and tricks you can give us from your years of scrolling we will gladly accept! I am also one who scrolls anything that catches my eye! Looking forward to seeing your work.


Hi and welcome Fran! I'm so glad you decided to introduce yourself............everyone here is really friendly and nice and we love meeting new friends! Thank you. I'm another one who loves to dabble in just about everything. I'm just learning to scroll but hoping to learn everything lol. I plan to incorporate my woodburning with scrolling too. Have a great day and I look forward to getting to know you better.


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