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.......You see I never use power tools. I use a hand spiral drill for the holes and a fret saw for my cutting. ....


Very rare to find someone using the handframe these days.   I must ask, which Fretsaw do you use?  For my hand cut stuff, I'm using the 5" Knew which I think is very nice.  I've seen some other brands for about $10 on Amazon, but not sure what the quality of those are.  I may get a more traditional fretsaw just to see how those work compared to the knew brand.  For the stuff you are doing, I suspect you have to have a pretty deep saw to get to those inside cuts.  


I do most of my stuff on the Ex Scrollsaw, but this knew handframe is the saw I use when I'm away from my house.



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Very rare to find someone using the handframe these days.   I must ask, which Fretsaw do you use?  For my hand cut stuff, I'm using the 5" Knew which I think is very nice.  I've seen some other brands for about $10 on Amazon, but not sure what the quality of those are.  I may get a more traditional fretsaw just to see how those compare to the knew brand.


Well I use 4different fret saws in all. My favourite is an unbranded fret saw that I got from a local hardware store which I bought for about 4 euro (approx. $4.50) and use this for most of my work. I also have a Lux one, (German made), that I find pretty good to use but I still prefer the unbranded one. I also have two others which I had specially manufactured for me so that I can cut larger pieces. One is 18 inches deep and the other 32 inches. The largest one is very difficult to use and I have to rest it on something because of sheer weight but it slowly, (very  very slowly) gets the job done. Unfortunately in Malta scrolling and fret saws are not in high demand and getting accessories can sometimes be a pain in the rear end.


I checked out your Coin Cutting page and there are some lovely pieces there. I have thought about cutting coins but my eyes are not what they used to be and there is no way I could manage that without some serious magnification device.



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