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Just joined up the other day and been snooping around. Thought I had better at least say Hi, LOL


I have been scroll sawing for about two years now. My father used to scroll saw after he had retired, and he wore out a old Delta 2 speed saw model 40-560. I asked him one day if I could borrow his old saw as he had bought a new Vari speed Delta. He let me take it and I brought it home and set it on the bench in the barn where it sat for about 5 years, LOL Finally one day I was bored and thought I would give it a try. Been hooked ever since. I tried rebuilding his old saw but ended up getting a reconditioned Dremel 1800..Been using it up until two days ago as I had just ordered a new Dewalt from Grizzly..Wow what a difference..I have done some ( very little ) pattern making and am still practicing that part of the hobby..

A few of my hobby's include restoring old John Deere, Wheel Horse and Simplicity lawn and garden tractors, camping and gardening..I have been a stay at home dad for 3 kids now for 11 years. Now ready to enter the work force and not much for jobs, LOL Wife likes me home so I am considering doing craft shows ext. Have my first show to do this summer in August at a Wheel horse garden tractor show..Like to see some more garden tractor type patterns so I could have some items to sell that is somewhat related to where my first sale will be..


Thanks for letting me join this fine site.



PS. My father passed about 3 years after I had borrowed the saw so he never got to see any of my work..He also never had the chance to be on the internet to see all the web sites and patterns ext. He sure would love it if he had been around for these sort of things. Only patterns he got to do was from the magazines..


Hi Kevin. Welcome to the Village. We're glad you found us. You upgraded to a really great saw. I'd like to upgrade to the DeWalt someday, but I gotta save my pennies. Sounds like you're having a great time with the new saw. I'm sure you already know about the Pattern Making classes in the Village University. If not, you should check them out. If you're looking for a specific type of pattern, you can also request a pattern in the Pattern Requests forum. We have a lot of talented pattern designers there willing to help out. Anyway, welcome aboard. Jump in and have some fun! :thumbs:


Hello Everyone, Thank you for the nice welcome,


grampa, You are probably right about my father looking over my shoulder as I saw.


Travis, I will have to look at the Pattern making class's, I am sure I could use it, LOL


Dan, I have been around wood all my life. My oldest brother owns a saw mill business for at least 30 years as I used to stack slab wood ( fire wood ) for him when I was a kid. As I got older I used to sort lumber and stack the lumber off the mill, build skids ext. His father-in-law owned a saw mill business too.That was his first employment out of high school until he got his own mill that is..Though its not really like wood working but non- the less..I been around wood all my life..


Thanks again for the welcome


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