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Still scrolling but no photo's


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Windows 10 gave an upgrade and the photo dept went out the door.I'm trying my best to find the problem but not even close yet.I had to switch out computers too as i needed a pattern off the pc.It's nice to use a real key board now too.i was missing 4 keys on the lap top.Passing the time away looking at all the work i've done since 2004.What an animal i was.1000's of projects.My baby birth pattern from Sue Mey will no longer be available .I bought it in 2012 and can't get it to open. called but no good .i have the numbers ,password and everything to show i paid but no go .i have two people wanting the finished product ,so i'll have to do it the hard way.from the looks of things scrolling has been my main stay so much and i wouldn't have it any other way.If some one could use mini bird houses i have 190 left there was 196 but i gave a few away,i need flying dutchman's blades scroll reverse #3-#5-#7-#9- and #12.the bird houses are with a perch and a white bird on it glued with a eyelet screwed in for hanging.there's probably more than 8 styles.Ready for stain ,paint ,clear coat etc.thanks.954-557-4996 or krippelkevin@yahoo.com  will trade birdhouses for blades.

Edited by amazingkevin
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I went through something similar. I wrote Sue and all was restored.She keeps a record of prior sales and honors them. I will say Sheila does the same too. I now have back ups of everything to cover my butt. :) Try and let us know how you make out. 

Thanks Wayne,i'm overwhelmed with things to do so i need to scroll lots to stay relaxed and enjoy what i'm doing. ;)

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