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SAW Membership


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I recently subscribed or joined the Scrollsaw Association of the World. My membership is going right up there with my cremation membership card! There has been some discussion on this form. The discussion sort of alluded to some organization problems that were being apparently corrected. I thought, what the heck I'll give it a shot. I did receive my membership and their magazine the Spring issue as well as a CD with photos and 60 patterns. However, I cannot log onto their web site. It keeps saying I have the wrong pass word. The instruction say my membership number is my password. I have sent emails to the president, then the secretary and then finally to the board of directors without a response. Somewhere there is a snafu. I'm wondering if anyone has had this problem?

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Hi Rocky,


Recently I joined Facebook.  Now I stay logged on, but originally I had a similar problem when trying to log in.  Turned out that some low IQ person on the other end switched wording on the log in boxes.


I entered my Username in the Password Box and my Password in the Username box and lived happily ever after.  Hope this helps you Sir.



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SAW used to be THE group to join before social media really kicked in. I know that John Nelson and Leldon Maxcy are both trying very hard to get SAW back on its feet. It is a real challenge. I had heard that they published a magazine of sorts? If you have more information Rockytime please let give us your opinion.  SAW is an all volunteer organization so unless we want to step up and be involved we shouldn't be too critical.  I had the opportunity to be involved but chose not to , too many things on my plate.

Edited by Rolf
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Hey, whadda you know. My membership is 3626-A. I entered it without the suffix and in I got. WOW!

Here is something I was taught many years ago.  If you cannot find what you are searching for, you might be entering too much information.  Try eliminating some of the words for your search.  It's possible that you might be eliminating yourself.


On a different note:  If you have a tracking number for something you ordered (i.e. FedEx, UPS, U.S. Postal service) just copy and paste that number on Google.  It will recognize it and take you directly to the site.


This sometimes works with a Repair Part Number, but not always.  One time a son of ours entered a part number.  The computer thought it was a math problem and spit out the answer.  :lol:



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I have the Spring 2016 issue of "SAWDUST." It is done very well. It has 36 pages and printed on a nice gloss stock. It is very well printed and laid out. There is a president's message and an article "Out of the Wood Shop." There are a number of good articles and the periodical is printed in color. There are numerous patterns and a puzzle. All in all I am well pleased with the publication. I do agree it is  difficult to maintain a paid organization with presence of the internet and social media. I belonged to a couple of small professional organizations that are now struggling to keep members due to unreal membership dues which are needed to maintain their publications. I hope they are successful.

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