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Thanks to all the veterans, this is veterans day


I did this some time ago to honor my Dad.  From the beach at Normandy, to the Battle of the Bulge to VE day, the landing at Inchon, Korea, and Nam he served.  All told my grandfather, my Dad, and I have 77 years of Military service.

Jim, did you retire from the military? You guys sure put in a lot of time. Thanks.


Thanks Dad!


In the attached photo, that's my Dad holding me in 1942 just before Dad left for Europe for three years.


I think I will cut a memorial plaque for him.  It will probably feature a poppy as a symbol of remembrance and hope.

I know, feel deeply about it, that where ever he is, he will know and smile

Funny not to get all sappy, but when I finished the plaque, I got this really strange feeling, good but strange

Posted (edited)

I thank all of our vets and your families for the service and sacrifices that you have each made for each of us, our country, and the world. I had a grandfather, father, brother, and father-in-law that I know all served at some point in various branches for various lengths of time. God bless you everyone.


Great project to recognize and commemorate your father. Thanks for sharing your phot of it.


Edited to fix typo(s) I saw. Probably still some though.

Edited by meflick

Thanks to all the veterans, this is veterans day


I did this some time ago to honor my Dad.  From the beach at Normandy, to the Battle of the Bulge to VE day, the landing at Inchon, Korea, and Nam he served.  All told my grandfather, my Dad, and I have 77 years of Military service.

I've never heard of a lifer with that much time under his belt.It's what he believed in heart an soul.God bless this man.


Some great history in this thread ( if that is the right word).  Don't have all that history but did 2 years back in 67 & 68 as a draftee.  My hats off to all you folks with your great history.  thanks a bunch.




Jim, thanks to you and your family members for your service. I like the cutting, it's a great reminder of what he went through. I had a neighbor who fought in WW2, he was at Vimy Ridge and he had some very sad stories to tell. It was strange, I was the only person who he'd ever talk to about his time in the war. According to his wife, he wouldn't even talk to her about it. She did say that he seemed to feel better after we would have a say, that made me feel good. Joe was a great man, he passed away a few years ago. I really miss the man.



Thank you to all Vets whenever they served.  It hits me emotionally now whenever we are thanked (Navy 59-63).  It was so different back then.

So different back then - that sums it up really really well.


Several years ago we were in vegas for a clothing convention, my wife has a store, as we wandered from vendor to vendor there was one from Korea.  While she was talking business I talked to a young man in his 20's.  When he found out I spent 3 years on the DMZ (two tours) he excused himself and went to talk to the old old man in a rocker.  He came back helping the old man walk and he handed me  a business card with a number on the back, and told me his family wanted to thank me for keeping them free.  The old guy's card gave us 50% off his already low cost wholesale price for life.


The look in the old mans eyes, knowing what he had experienced, and his emotion just nailed me to the wall.  First time since 1969 when I was drafted went that anyone ever thanked me.


My Great Grandfather served in the civil war ( union side) Then I was the next to serve . i served in the Navy my son served in the Army and my Grand son served in the navy.. do not regret it



Some really interesting stories started by the nice plaque of remembrances for a father and family that served a lot of time for us all. I too served in the Army paratroopers for three years but all the time i was in, things were peaceful for us. I kid that other countries  must have heard that I was in the Army and knew they needed to keep peaceful for a little while. Shortly after I got out , the Cuban missile crises started.  To all the people that served, I am deeply grateful. Too bad there is a need for a military anywhere in the world but glad there are people out there that care enough to serve.  





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