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Some really interesting stories started by the nice plaque of remembrances for a father and family that served a lot of time for us all. I too served in the Army paratroopers for three years but all the time i was in, things were peaceful for us. I kid that other countries  must have heard that I was in the Army and knew they needed to keep peaceful for a little while. Shortly after I got out , the Cuban missile crises started.  To all the people that served, I am deeply grateful. Too bad there is a need for a military anywhere in the world but glad there are people out there that care enough to serve.  





Funny how during the cold war, no one feels it was a war.  We obviously kept military secrets much better back then because the public has no idea how many times a FAD 1 unit went to 5 minute status with ammo issued and the site locked down - until the other side backed down.


Or how many  "vehicle accident's" there were - remains not view-able.

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