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Its definitely an interesting series. I'm not sure I agree with everything he says, though. I think this gentleman uses a scroll saw in a construction setting. Most likely cutting moldings or flooring. Certainly not as a creative outlet like we do.


I think he's completely off on the blower video though. He says the small tube is a mini-exhaust taking dust from the surface and blowing it off the back. He also says the bottom port is also an exhaust blowing out dust that comes in from the bottom. I've never seen that. I think the tube he's referring to is an actual blower that pushes air onto your surface blowing off the dust and the bottom port is used to attach a shop vac or dust collection system.


He also mentions not wearing gloves or long sleeved shirt in the safety section. I don't think that's much of a concern with a scroll saw since the blade is only reciprocating. It is a concern with other tools that have spinning parts (band saw, table saw, jointer, etc).


I think the motor maintenance is pretty good. I think it depends on what your saw requires as far as oiling, though. Be sure to check your manual. But the idea of making sure the dust is cleared from the motor is a good idea. Probably something I should pay attention to. ;)


Good series for construction, but I don't think it was intended for scroll saw hobbyists.


I couldn't see the video..............but it's because I'm dialup. I saw a thread on one of the forums where the guy got mad and chunked his saw across the room.............not a good thing lol. That's what I call really letting your stupid hang out! :cry::boo:



LOL...I think that saw's seen better days. Cut one too many trim pieces. It looked like the flopping around was the vibration of the saw. It almost looked like a pin ended blade he was using too. But I couldn't quite tell.


yeah you guys are right i couldnt believe it when i seem him cutting and the sound omg it drove me crazy i imagine that it was just a oops moment were the guy didnt want to admit his mistake then again they could of just reshot the scene


i need to view the rest of them i couldnt stand watching that one LOL

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