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Very nicely done puzzles Kevin.  Personally I would go to Office Max , Walmart or Staples and get bubble wrap for shipping them.  Your box will be a bit lighter and the puzzles in my opinion better protected.  Anyway Great work on those my friend.  Thanks for sharing them with us.





Very nicely done puzzles Kevin.  Personally I would go to Office Max , Walmart or Staples and get bubble wrap for shipping them.  Your box will be a bit lighter and the puzzles in my opinion better protected.  Anyway Great work on those my friend.  Thanks for sharing them with us.




oh there's always popcorn or bubbles or eggs for free here on craigs list but boy are they messy


oh there's always popcorn or bubbles or eggs for free here on craigs list but boy are they messy

Messy perhaps but I ship my banks all over the world and in the 5 years that I have been doing this only 3 have been damaged.  I usually pack them with bubble wrap and or peanuts.  I normally get my bubble wrap from either Walmart, Office Max or Staples which ever has them cheaper.  Just thought I would share my experiences in packing to ship with ya :)





Messy perhaps but I ship my banks all over the world and in the 5 years that I have been doing this only 3 have been damaged.  I usually pack them with bubble wrap and or peanuts.  I normally get my bubble wrap from either Walmart, Office Max or Staples which ever has them cheaper.  Just thought I would share my experiences in packing to ship with ya :)




Ok ,I was in a hurry again ,i'll stock up on them now,thanks!


Kevin,They look Awesome.Love the Galloping Horse. :thumbs:  :thumbs: You know,your getting Pretty Darn good at this scroll saw stuff. ;)

i keep trying ,nobody sees the mistakes and i'm not letting the cat out of the bag either,lol thanks Bobby.When i do make a mistake i just blend it in ,nobody is the wiser ,lol! thanks friend!Ill keep practicing!

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