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Beautiful image and cutting.  I have a sister who would just die for that - too bad for her I'm too much of a newbie and no way I'm willing to try to work on a piece like that - maybe someday if she's lucky!  Thanks for sharing.

Melanie, you ought to give something like that a try, they look terrifying to start with but just take it one cut at a time and you will find they are not too hard after all (and your niece will love it)



Yeah Keith - easy for you to say! Patience is not a virtue of mine to begin with.  One day with more experience on the saw maybe I will give it a go.  But really, all I intended to do with my saw was intarsia until I got on here with you all!  ;)  :)


Beautiful image and cutting.  I have a sister who would just die for that - too bad for her I'm too much of a newbie and no way I'm willing to try to work on a piece like that - maybe someday if she's lucky!  Thanks for sharing.


Do not under estimate your talent

On fretwork patterns, you take it one hole at a time

You will be pleasantly surprised to find out how good you really are

I say "GO FOR IT" you big chicken - Try it and remember to breathe


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