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I'm forgetting to show and take pictures .there's some missing but that's me .
hi its me 11 years ago.post-1607-0-61208200-1481694369_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-21276100-1481694427_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-76527700-1481694456_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-43046100-1481694480_thumb.jpg a bowl full of 1/2" thick plywood ankhs 50of them,and a policemans cross in 1/8" wood cut with a #1 blade straight and a #1 spiral with the dw788 speed at 2.Two arms broke off at the very end in the middle of the cross .will glue later,Am finishing a last supper for the same lady too both crosses are 11" tall ,Not my cup of tea for a project.



All great stuff Kevin. The cross is a beauty but I don't think I have the skill to cut it.


take care

Don W



I love that new 'festive' avatar you've got there!!  Its best viewed on your profile page tho.  :)   Great idea, and nice work on that!   : :cool:




Excellent cutting and I like the live models too.

We all make things that are on our not preferred list; for the money or to please someone else.


I am fortunate enough now to not do much of that.


All great stuff Kevin. The cross is a beauty but I don't think I have the skill to cut it.


take care

Don W

Me either .I had to put the speed at all ahead slow and inch the project into the blade a millimeter at a time .i tryed .no accidents on this one but two arms broke of on the last supper im almost finished with same tiny size.Thanks Don


Those came out very nice Kevin.  Is that cross one of Sue May's?  Thanks for sharing them with us.




Yes but i got them from the teddy bear .It would have been three times faster all the way from Africa if i had gotten them from sue,live and learn.thanks friend!


Excellent cutting and I like the live models too.


We all make things that are on our not preferred list; for the money or to please someone else.


I am fortunate enough now to not do much of that.

Tell me about it ,I've slowed down so much you'd thing i have my brakes on,lol thanks Ralph!

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