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I( finally got to the 12 days of christmas ornaments i started .i sprayed them white and then various glitter colores ,they don't show up good ?? but maybe when i paint the rest of it they will.The plaque is for the lawn service guy here ,He wanted in Jesus added .the wood is pretty wood and how many times have i been fooled to thinking its good wood when its the worst I've dropped it ,it exploded I re glued it  ,pieces are mising  oh well i tryed . i'll just give it to him! post-1607-0-53424000-1482117042_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-71896300-1482117092_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-29653200-1482117102_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-87626900-1482117115_thumb.jpg40.jpg]



Kevin, I'm a bit disappointed in you with this posting, I never thought that you would give out sub-par work. If the piece you dropped and broke was supposed to be a piece he ordered, then you owe it to him to cut another one. Giving it to him for free doesn't wash in my book, he obviously wanted it to give to someone or have it to show. I doubt that he wants something that isn't just so, especially if its for showing other people. Plus, don't forget, it will carry your name, do you want people to think that it is the best you can do? I'm pleased as punch that you're getting the extra work, but, do you think people will keep buying if your work is sub-par? If you can't or don't want to cut him another one, don't give him the sub-par one. That's not what he wanted, and he'll probably just discard it if the mistakes are noticeable. Stop and think for a moment. If it was you, would you want a marriage plaque that was sub-par? Something that you want to display with pride, I know I wouldn't. You can do better, slow down and take your time and do things right. Yes I know you have issues, but that's no reason to put out sub-par work. OK I'm sorry,  I'll get off of my high horse, it's just that you made me a bit cross with what you posted. I know you can do better, and I think that you do also. And here's something to keep in mind,  customers won't return for sub-par work..


Posted (edited)

Kevin, I'm a bit disappointed in you with this posting, I never thought that you would give out sub-par work. If the piece you dropped and broke was supposed to be a piece he ordered, then you owe it to him to cut another one. Giving it to him for free doesn't wash in my book, he obviously wanted it to give to someone or have it to show. I doubt that he wants something that isn't just so, especially if its for showing other people. Plus, don't forget, it will carry your name, do you want people to think that it is the best you can do? I'm pleased as punch that you're getting the extra work, but, do you think people will keep buying if your work is sub-par? If you can't or don't want to cut him another one, don't give him the sub-par one. That's not what he wanted, and he'll probably just discard it if the mistakes are noticeable. Stop and think for a moment. If it was you, would you want a marriage plaque that was sub-par? Something that you want to display with pride, I know I wouldn't. You can do better, slow down and take your time and do things right. Yes I know you have issues, but that's no reason to put out sub-par work. OK I'm sorry,  I'll get off of my high horse, it's just that you made me a bit cross with what you posted. I know you can do better, and I think that you do also. And here's something to keep in mind,  customers won't return for sub-par work..


he's going to put it on the back of his truck,lol It's a free bee also.

Edited by amazingkevin

Very good Kev put a backer on it to support it might help and I love the twelve days want to do them my self sometime. :cool:  :cool: Roly

I'm swamped with too many things .i really should be in the hospital but i'm trying to get things out ,not an easy job.Thanks


Twelve thumbs ( :D ) up to your scrolling. 

God bless and heal you...

Merry Christmas

Thanks LarryEA, i'm in and on my way out of the hospital from a stricture in the urinary tract .I wasn't draining for a long time and backing up my kidneys .

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