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These are the first two 3D cuttings I have tried. Just did one of each and I will see how the rest of the family like them. If they like them I will make some to give away next Christmas.


Merry Christmas.



best part about 3d or compound cuttings is cracking the surroundings like an egg to get out the precious wood creation.!hope this pattern makes it to the pattern library!


Don, you better start making more right away, your family members will surely be impressed with these beauties. Your all set now, whenever you have some spare cutting time you cant cut 3-D ornaments. Cause there's no way that they aren't going to just love the way they look. They would make a nice gift, my niece asked me to make her a few scroll sawn ornaments for her Christmas gift. She stated that she would rather have them, then anything I could buy for her. I figure your family members will feel the same way, they will want the 3-D ornaments over anything yu could buy them.


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