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post-1607-0-59625700-1482469345_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-62009600-1482469370_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-84276700-1482469383_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-12540500-1482469401_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-45502400-1482469416_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-75873700-1482469427_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-34307500-1482469452_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-50030900-1482469467_thumb.jpg these girls come out of nowhere when i'm at the store .i turn into a different aisle,and heres one waiting on me ,suprize think i'll go to the hospital tomorrow been putting it of too long and the doctors are playing games .i have humana ,medicade medicare ,special needs  no $$$ i can't pee again.the last picture is a guy that does drywall art jerry sent us to see .

Edited by amazingkevin

Kevin my friend please go take care of yourself before that option is FORCED upon you when your body collapses.  We want you in the best health you can possibly be and that can only happen if you take the necessary steps to be that.  Great work on the names and I have one of those plaster artists in my area they are amazing.  Thanks for sharing these with us.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my friend.





You get into hospital Kevin sounds like an enlarged Prostrate to me been there done that you need to have them lovely nurses to look after you and get some good meals inside you and have a rest from scrolling. You have a Merry Christmas how ever you spend it. God Bless.Get well soon. Roly

Oh Roly you hit it ,Yes the female attention is the best here,When they come in

my room they know their going to be complimented more ways than one.The procedure is all done and tomorrow if my vitals look good i can go home.Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Kevin my friend please go take care of yourself before that option is FORCED upon you when your body collapses.  We want you in the best health you can possibly be and that can only happen if you take the necessary steps to be that.  Great work on the names and I have one of those plaster artists in my area they are amazing.  Thanks for sharing these with us.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my friend.




I've missed  seeing doctors alll my life because of funds ,Now things are catching up to me.Thanks for wanting me to stick around ,I like knowing that friend!


I agree.Get thee to a Hospital!!.Love your work. :D That Drywall art is Fantastic!!

Yes ,as i speak i'm recovering Bobby ,Wearing a foley now for a couple of weeks .Now i can get some undisturbed sleep instead of waking up every hour on the hour to relieve my self of an oz. or two.


Go to the hospital get done what needs to be done, follow the doctor's orders and come back with names of pretty nurses. Have a merry Christmas and a Happy new year.


IKE .i'm at the hospital and have proposed many times,but no takers and they all blush many colors.You know me better than me for the names of the nurses to come out of all this,lol Merry Christmas and happy new year.


That's a lot of work glad to hear you can take a break for now. They all look great. Jerry

Because of all the names i've made the procedure is down pat ,small pieces of plywood for the name,thin wood for the stand,all belt sanded for the rounded look,scrolled and glued to the stand and rattled can sprayed while the glues drying,Start to finish 6,7,8 names can be completed in 3 hours of fun .Thanks friend!


Kevin, nobody knows better then you, what you've got to lose if you get sick. Get to the hospital, and gets things checked out before things get any worse.


That's a big problem ,you know what you need better than the doctor but try and convince him that..They absolutly refused me at the emergency room,but when i called the insurance company things turned right around!

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