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Ha!  That's so funny, both sticking out their tongues. :razz:  :razz:   How did your friends like it?  You did a great job of cutting it.  I'm sure they'll love it for years to come.

Thank you for taking the time to post a picture of the finished project, much appreciated.




Ha!  That's so funny, both sticking out their tongues. :razz:  :razz:   How did your friends like it?  You did a great job of cutting it.  I'm sure they'll love it for years to come.

Thank you for taking the time to post a picture of the finished project, much appreciated.



thanks for the pattern russell,

yes it was funny both of them sticking there tongues out,but that was the only photo i had at hand,

and would you believe it they put up another...better.....piture shortly after.

turned out all good though,they loved it.

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