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Here's a slimline pen full length an experiment in olive wood didn't turn out to bad,lovely to hold finished in 3 coats of friction polish and a coat of wax polish, both tubes are inside and one glued the other held by friction to turn the nib in and out, all on a plate of pickled onions and cheese yummy. Roly 





Thanks All the pen normally comes in two parts and I've seen videos on people making the full length so I thought I'd practice with the olive wood, might make it slightly longer next time and I've yet to tie some sort of cord around the top cap which is why I've left it slightly proud. Roly


Here's a slimline pen full length an experiment in olive wood didn't turn out to bad,lovely to hold finished in 3 coats of friction polish and a coat of wax polish, both tubes are inside and one glued the other held by friction to turn the nib in and out, all on a plate of pickled onions and cheese yummy. Roly 

your an all round man of all talents .good job friend!

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