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Spending time in my shop, trying to avoid going out and braving the weather this week.


I'm a recent convert, having picked up an old 2-speed Delta on Craig's List.  I wanted to try something cheap to find out if I would enjoy spending time on the saw.  I have spent a lot of time on YouTube and watching a variety of videos and reading comments on the forum.  I have made some progress and am doing better than I was when i started.  Lot's of Christmas decorations, trivets and some clocks.  


I am about ready to get my next saw and am studying the options and trying to determine how much i need to spend to be happy with a saw for awhile.


I have benefited greatly from all the people on the forum and am very thankful for the helpful attitude so many have.  It is quite an interesting hobby and seems to be somewhat addictive. 


Spending time in my shop, trying to avoid going out and braving the weather this week.


I'm a recent convert, having picked up an old 2-speed Delta on Craig's List.  I wanted to try something cheap to find out if I would enjoy spending time on the saw.  I have spent a lot of time on YouTube and watching a variety of videos and reading comments on the forum.  I have made some progress and am doing better than I was when i started.  Lot's of Christmas decorations, trivets and some clocks.  


I am about ready to get my next saw and am studying the options and trying to determine how much i need to spend to be happy with a saw for awhile.


I have benefited greatly from all the people on the forum and am very thankful for the helpful attitude so many have.  It is quite an interesting hobby and seems to be somewhat addictive. 

lol i spent many a day on deltas,my favorite for blade holders,Best years of my life were spent on inferior scroll saws .I don't regret a moment.Scroll on!!!!


Greetings from not-so-snowy PA!   :D   I live about an hour north of Pittsburgh.  We don't get as much snow here as you do up in Erie.


Welcome to the forum and to the hobby.  Let us know your thought process as you scout out new saws. 


It is not addictive.  If I ever run out of blades and wood at the same time--I'll know it time to quit!

That is a little bit like running out of airspeed, altitude and ideas at the same time............ :cry:


Thanks for all the kind comments.  I have been trolling several forums and chose this because of the positive comments and general attitude of helpfulness.  Looking forward to learning and sharing more.


 Welcome from Snowy Eastern Oregon where the temperature as i write you is 6 degrees and getting colder. We have about 8 inches of snow right now. Glad you decided to join in on the fun here and be sure to log on often so all of us can get to know you better. Lots to see and do here so feel free to roam around as much as you like.




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