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Posted (edited)

I am honored.  ;-)  And a reminder to everyone, I used the outline of one of Harvey Byler's patterns (ILOVEDOGS) and very crudely spelled out RESCUE instead.


Glad you like it.  It's one of my top sellers.


If you have any contacts with any local dog rescue organizations, maybe you can arrange to provide some to them at a reduced price that they can then turn around and sell for more and keep the extra to help their cause.  I'm trying to contact some around here to see if they're interested.

Edited by Iguanadon
Posted (edited)

There's a lot of rescue dogs in this country. Very good cut of a great pattern. :cool:  :cool: Roly


I get a lot of folks that come to my booth and are looking and I ask what breed they have and they say "Oh, it's a mutt" and I show them the MUTT puzzle, they chuckle and like it but then I ask if it happened to be a rescue and if they say yes I show them this one, they always go "Awwww, that's so cute!".


Here's the MUTT...  https://www.woodcraftbyscott.com/collections/all-puzzles/products/dogs?variant=31385832004

Edited by Iguanadon

Iggy sent me this pattern that he modified several days ago and I just now finished it up. He did a great job on it and I just hope I didn't shame him to much. Thanks Iggy!   :thumbs:



i have a friend that love art work in wood.he only buy them if the object is doing something .he has a 4' horse in wood and the horse has one leg in the front bent and raised up off the floor.This one would suit him fine.good one.

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