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I really like the owl also. The stuff you cut looks like it was done by a computer. All the cuts are so clean and no mistakes. Great work Denny.   :thumbs:


Thanks, Don.  As my wife keeps telling our customers at ArtCrafters "It is not lazar cut"  As for mistakes, there are a few.


Denny, you should have more long weekends, especially, if you can get these results. You should cut a sign for the business, that lets people know without asking that the items are all handmade. Another one stating that you do personal requests, would possibly help with sales.



Denny - excellent work as always.  Do you have room in the store to keep a saw so you can give "demos" and scroll while you are there?


Funny you should ask.  Someone came into the store yesterday and asked if I give lessons.  Maybe I should bring one of the saws to the store.

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