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Posted (edited)

Wasn't sure where to put this. I went to Woodcraft to buy a few things and was talking to one of the guys. I asked him when they were going to have a sale on lathes. He told me they had a Jet on sale. It is the 16-42. Regular $2500 for $1900 and some change. Very nice variable speed lathe for a great price but out of my range right now. He asked me if I make bowls because they are having a contest. I told him I didn't make them on a lathe only a scroll saw. He said that was fine there is a scroll saw division. So I made this bowl and entered it. The prizes are $50 gift cert for the best bowl and $25 gift cert for each division winner.


Edited by Sparkey

Good luck Rusty, I hope you win. That's a good looking bowl, I see no reason for it not to win. I would love to get one of those lathes, but, they don't sell them in Canada. I might look into getting someone in Maine to have it delivered to their residence, then I could pick it up there and bring it back accrossed the border. The only issue with doing it that way, is the duty I'll be charged to bring it into Canada. Plus, I'll lose 30%-35% on the dollar which doesn't help with me making a final decision on buying one.



Wasn't sure where to put this. I went to Woodcraft to buy a few things and was talking to one of the guys. I asked him when they were going to have a sale on lathes. He told me they had a Jet on sale. It is the 16-42. Regular $2500 for $1900 and some change. Very nice variable speed lathe for a great price but out of my range right now. He asked me if I make bowls because they are having a contest. I told him I didn't make them on a lathe only a scroll saw. He said that was fine there is a scroll saw division. So I made this bowl and entered it. The prizes are $50 gift cert for the best bowl and $25 gift cert for each division winner.

Rusty you might just win. I sure hope so, be sure and let us know.


Wasn't sure where to put this. I went to Woodcraft to buy a few things and was talking to one of the guys. I asked him when they were going to have a sale on lathes. He told me they had a Jet on sale. It is the 16-42. Regular $2500 for $1900 and some change. Very nice variable speed lathe for a great price but out of my range right now. He asked me if I make bowls because they are having a contest. I told him I didn't make them on a lathe only a scroll saw. He said that was fine there is a scroll saw division. So I made this bowl and entered it. The prizes are $50 gift cert for the best bowl and $25 gift cert for each division winner.

We have a winner!

  • 2 weeks later...

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