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This is one of Steve Goods patterns.

I made one and found pages didn't line up as expected.

So made the next one and added 3/8 inch to length and 1/4 inch to side.

Also waited til I had the paper before I drilled holes for the rings.

That also lines paper up better.The paper and rings,I got at staples as did Steve.

100 sheets for $4 and 16 rings for$4.

Wood is 1/4 inch oak ply for both front and back covers.

I glued blue poster card on inside cover.

Three photos here..you can see the difference in Cathy one which was the first 

one I made.





This is one of Steve Goods patterns.

I made one and found pages didn't line up as expected.

So made the next one and added 3/8 inch to length and 1/4 inch to side.

Also waited til I had the paper before I drilled holes for the rings.

That also lines paper up better.The paper and rings,I got at staples as did Steve.

100 sheets for $4 and 16 rings for$4.

Wood is 1/4 inch oak ply for both front and back covers.

I glued blue poster card on inside cover.

Three photos here..you can see the difference in Cathy one which was the first 

one I made.

Lil ol book maker you ,,sharp as a tack,They'll show these of with a big smile

  • 2 weeks later...

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