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When I first became aware of Alex Fox's pattern, I knew that one day I would be cutting a few of his. It was not long after that when Alex Fox joined Scroll Saw Village and posted one of his patterns for free, here. On seeing it, I immediately downloaded it, and cut it. I did not get back to it to finish it until today. The reason I was waiting to finish it was two fold. One; it was so cold that I did not even want to take the time to build a fire and wait for my shop to warm up and two; after I cut it , I put into a frame I had and both my wife and my daughter said it needed a nicer frame then the one I had for it. So I wanted to buy a frame that seemed to fit the piece but we could not get to our nearest town,(56) miles away because of the continual snow fall and frozen roads. (We have a long, uphill driveway that is very difficult to get up even with our 4 wheel drive Jeep). We  finally  got a little break in the conditions on our driveway and I decided I was most likely able to get back up it, if we had to. So we went to town, did some shopping and I found this frame and today, after church, I finished this piece. I am donating it for a fund raiser for a little boy in Heppner that has a decease and they are getting money for medical needs. This is an uncurable thing and he probably will not live long






Dick, that's perfection if I've ever seen it, both the cutting and frame are perfect matches. You and Alex should collaborate more often, especially if you can end up with results like this.



Don't mind me asking were do you call home Dick?


 I don't mind at all. We live in a small town named Heppner. It is located in the middle  of  no where. The road to Heppner really is not on the way to anywhere else, so there is little incidental traffic through our town. There used to be a  saw mill located here for years but that shut down about 16 years ago. We are the county seat so we do have government things that are held here. We are surround by wheat farms and alfalfa growers. Our county is called Morrow County and it is quite large in area but the population is so small that there is not even one traffic control light within the entire county boundary. We do have a grocery store, gas station, pharmacy and tire shop as well as several hair dressers and a dentist. There is one tavern and 3 part time restaurants. One is open 2 days a week, one is open 3 days a week and one is open 7 days a week.  We have no public transportation, except for a bus for seniors for doctor appointments and the like to another town. The closest town to us with things like a movie house,  Wal Mart and most everything one might need is called Hermiston which is the one I mentioned above. It is 56 miles away but while traveling there you will normally see only about a dozen cars. So now you know more than you wanted to about where I live.





When I first became aware of Alex Fox's pattern, I knew that one day I would be cutting a few of his. It was not long after that when Alex Fox joined Scroll Saw Village and posted one of his patterns for free, here. On seeing it, I immediately downloaded it, and cut it. I did not get back to it to finish it until today. The reason I was waiting to finish it was two fold. One; it was so cold that I did not even want to take the time to build a fire and wait for my shop to warm up and two; after I cut it , I put into a frame I had and both my wife and my daughter said it needed a nicer frame then the one I had for it. So I wanted to buy a frame that seemed to fit the piece but we could not get to our nearest town,(56) miles away because of the continual snow fall and frozen roads. (We have a long, uphill driveway that is very difficult to get up even with our 4 wheel drive Jeep). We  finally  got a little break in the conditions on our driveway and I decided I was most likely able to get back up it, if we had to. So we went to town, did some shopping and I found this frame and today, after church, I finished this piece. I am donating it for a fund raiser for a little boy in Heppner that has a decease and they are getting money for medical needs. This is an uncurable thing and he probably will not live long




two peas in a pod great


 I don't mind at all. We live in a small town named Heppner. It is located in the middle  of  no where. The road to Heppner really is not on the way to anywhere else, so there is little incidental traffic through our town. There used to be a  saw mill located here for years but that shut down about 16 years ago. We are the county seat so we do have government things that are held here. We are surround by wheat farms and alfalfa growers. Our county is called Morrow County and it is quite large in area but the population is so small that there is not even one traffic control light within the entire county boundary. We do have a grocery store, gas station, pharmacy and tire shop as well as several hair dressers and a dentist. There is one tavern and 3 part time restaurants. One is open 2 days a week, one is open 3 days a week and one is open 7 days a week.  We have no public transportation, except for a bus for seniors for doctor appointments and the like to another town. The closest town to us with things like a movie house,  Wal Mart and most everything one might need is called Hermiston which is the one I mentioned above. It is 56 miles away but while traveling there you will normally see only about a dozen cars. So now you know more than you wanted to about where I live.




Now that way beyond living in the sticks.

Posted (edited)

OOOPS  I put the  piece in the frame backwards.. I have since taken care of the problem.. Sorry Alex, I can't believe I did that...






This is the way the pattern was designed and cut... boy do I feel dumb...that is beginning to be a normal for me, I think


Edited by heppnerguy

Ditto all the comments already said Dick.  Great work and great choice on the frame.  Nice of you to help out with the fund raising for this little guy.  Its hard to see people ill, harder still when it is a child.  God bless he and his family as they deal with this.  Thanks for sharing.

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