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Well... Wife wanted another clock. Found this design on Pinterest. 3/8" BBPW with 2 each 3/4" Pine board backers. Actually easier to cut pattern than cutting and matching up the 2 backer boards. After a fair amount of filing and sanding, drilled some guide pins to keep everything even and then Titebond glued them together and clamped. The clock works are from Clockit. Looks like there may some less expensive clock sources around. Pinned nailed face pattern to backer, and of course, wife did the painting.

The clock inventory keeps growing... Not looking forward to daylight savings! LOL!




Well... Wife wanted another clock. Found this design on Pinterest. 3/8" BBPW with 2 each 3/4" Pine board backers. Actually easier to cut pattern than cutting and matching up the 2 backer boards. After a fair amount of filing and sanding, drilled some guide pins to keep everything even and then Titebond glued them together and clamped. The clock works are from Clockit. Looks like there may some less expensive clock sources around. Pinned nailed face pattern to backer, and of course, wife did the painting.

The clock inventory keeps growing... Not looking forward to daylight savings! LOL!

I think one of your clocks you've shown us was a before and after shot.i would have liked to have seen this one shown the same way .seeing a clock as all wood is nice too.But this is a real beauty!

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