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Have not been here sense early November, I think, and I prefer not to go into why, but things are correcting themselves and I hope to get back in the fray.  I have been watching and my oh my what great things you all have all been doing.  It has really kept me inspired.  I have not given up scrolling, not by a long shot.  I did get side tracked with the lathe for a while, but also have sat at the saw a lot.  These are the scrolling things I have done sense November. 


This is two the "Tree of Life" I did for my daughter, at her request.  There are two of them one in Black Maple and one in BB, 




Then I did this one as a gift to a friend that bought a hunting cabin.  I thought it would look good on a wall in the cabin,




One I did for my wall.  Not sure who the designer is, I saw the pattern on Pinterest.  I loved it and thought it was perfect for the last piece of Red Wood burl I had.




This is a picture I did before November, but I framed it after.  It is very popular, and I gave it to my Nephew for him to give to a friend of his.  I wanted to give it for my Nephew's friend because the friend is restoring a Jeep his uncle drove around the world.  My nephew is helping him.  It is in the Genesis  Book of World Records.  People who love "Lonesome Dove" will understand the frame. 




And this is a box I just finished.  I made it for my Daughter-in-Law.  It is the Hamsa Box pattern featured in the latest issue of Scrollsaw Woodworking, by Carole Rothman.  I hope my Daughter-in-Law enjoys it.  She is from Cambodia, Buddhist,  and it should have special meaning to her.





As you see I have been busy and it is going to get more so.  I have three requests for the Capt Call and Gus picture that I have ready to start cutting as soon as I finish a picture I started a year ago and have really been struggling with.  I have promised myself to finish it before starting anything new.  Also all package and ready for the scroll saw is a Charles Dearing picture of Willie Nelson (more for me than any one else), and one of Johnny Cash for my Nephew.

You've done quit a bit more than i have this year.High quality cuts and very time demanding too!


Nice work Paul, I also have been in a slump, with a hospital stay this winter, and busy with wife's cataract surgeries. Was in the shop the  last couple day. so hope to post something soon. I really like the howling wolf. will have to look for the pattern.


All superb and what keeps me practising. May I ask where the deer pattern came from love that one. Frank

The deer pattern is a Mike Williams pattern called "A Time to Rest".  Thanks for the nice comment.


Where can I get the pattern for the lonesome dove? thanks

The Lonesome Dove pattern is from Charles Dearing.  Site is woodenvisions.com  it is pattern #623


Beautiful work! You may not have been here but you sure have been a busy man.

The Wolf and the tree of life are really stunning. Who's designs are they?

I'm not sure who the pattern makers for those are.  I found both on Pinterest I believe.  I will look around and if I can find them again I will message you.  They are not intended to sell because I couldn't identify the original source.

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