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This was made from some scrap 3/4 birch plywood and the letters were cut separately and then she painted and glued them together. The 'V' was cut with a #9 "regular" blade and the other three letters she cut with a spiral blade. I think she did an awesome job! More to come...


Bryan, aka Proud Dad

You should be proud.

She did a great job

Do you do as good with spiral blades :)




Thanks for all the great replies, I told she would get some from the great bunch of folks here!


Dave - She's 11 year's old.


The next one will be 1 piece and something thinner.


I didn't lose my saw, I had this planned from the beginning! :-) Now I'm guaranteed shop time with my girl!!!




This was made from some scrap 3/4 birch plywood and the letters were cut separately and then she painted and glued them together. The 'V' was cut with a #9 "regular" blade and the other three letters she cut with a spiral blade. I think she did an awesome job! More to come...


Bryan, aka Proud Dad

I'm not the least bit surprised ,lol Look who her mentor is!!!! That girls going to go far,move over dad.


No fear...just straight ahead, "GO FOR IT, GAL". I love it when a kid gives things like this a try..She is outstanding. Not only is the cutting done excellently and the painting done very well but it is all those added touches that make this one stand high and proud, like her dad




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