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I decided that I should be cutting my pattern attempts because It should help me understand, a little better as to how I am really doing with that process. I was able to cut parts of the pattern better than I thought and changed a couple of areas I thought was better to be beef up.. I think I should try and cut all my patterns before I try to introduce them, for that very reason,   and then of course, I will be aware of any islands myself. 

  I can't say for sure that I will follow my own advice, but I know I probably should. OH, I also have to give a big "Thank you" to Paul,(Scrappile) for giving me the wood I used here.







Very well done Dick...I find that when you print a new pattern

out,you can get a good idea if there are floaters etc.

Sometimes I correct the errors or if it is for myself I make a mental note

of the error and hope I don't miss it when cutting.


Hey I don't think Paul had that piece in the scrappile..He gave you a shiner for sure.

I bet it looks some nice hanging...Picture probably doesn't reflect

how nice it is.....Wonderful job on both pattern and cutting..


Looks real good Dick.  You will be with the master pattern makers soon.  If this snow ever decides to leave we need to get together and let me soak up some of your knowledge.  We got about 3 inches of new snow last night and still snowing.  This is over all the icy  old snow that was is still on the ground.  I know you said call, but I not smart enough yet to know what questions to ask......


Looks real good Dick.  You will be with the master pattern makers soon.  If this snow ever decides to leave we need to get together and let me soak up some of your knowledge.  We got about 3 inches of new snow last night and still snowing.  This is over all the icy  old snow that was is still on the ground.  I know you said call, but I not smart enough yet to know what questions to ask......


Sharon and I made a quick trip to Tri Cities last Sunday and I was able to get more ply. We were going on the assumption the road conditions would allow us to get there and back and they were pretty good until just about 20 miles from home, then we hit freezing fog with visibility down to less than 2 car lengths. I would have loved to have called you and had lunch of something but we just  did not have the time on that day.. We have snow here today too but only a dusting so far with the calling of about 3 inches by days end.. I have been able to do some shop  time now..So glad for my wood burning stove to make it possible. Hope to see you before too much longer




Very well done Dick...I find that when you print a new pattern

out,you can get a good idea if there are floaters etc.

Sometimes I correct the errors or if it is for myself I make a mental note

of the error and hope I don't miss it when cutting.


Hey I don't think Paul had that piece in the scrappile..He gave you a shiner for sure.

I bet it looks some nice hanging...Picture probably doesn't reflect

how nice it is.....Wonderful job on both pattern and cutting..



    I was not referring to Paul getting the wood from his scrap pile I just put 'scrappile' in because that is how he signs in here  in The Village. He gave me about 5 pieces of that wood. . I love having it, It was a nice gift from him.






    I was not referring to Paul getting the wood from his scrap pile I just put 'scrappile' in because that is how he signs in here  in The Village. He gave me about 5 pieces of that wood. . I love having it, It was a nice gift from him.




HI Dick yes for sure he gave you some nice wood.

I knew it wasn't from the pile lol.


I decided that I should be cutting my pattern attempts because It should help me understand, a little better as to how I am really doing with that process. I was able to cut parts of the pattern better than I thought and changed a couple of areas I thought was better to be beef up.. I think I should try and cut all my patterns before I try to introduce them, for that very reason,   and then of course, I will be aware of any islands myself. 

  I can't say for sure that I will follow my own advice, but I know I probably should. OH, I also have to give a big "Thank you" to Paul,(Scrappile) for giving me the wood I used here.





the fringe on his jacket looks like fun to cut!

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