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 About a week ago, I posted a cutting of a ram pattern that I had framed and was donating for a local fund raiser for a 4 or 5 year old boy that has an incurable decease of the blood that will eventually take his life very early on. The parents are going to take all the money that is raised and give it for research to find a cure instead of using it for their personal medical expenses. The boys mother came to our house to pick up m y small donation and she had her three children with her, the youngest whom they adopted at birth and is now 14 months old. Anyway the little boy with the blood decease had on a spider man shirt and my  wife asked him it Spider Man was his hero. He told her, "No..Captain America was". So on the spot, I immediately knew my next step was going to be to make him a Captain America figure plaque for his wall. My wife wanted me to paint it as for a 5 year old, it would have more meaning. So  here is the results of my quest.. Oh, he volenteerilly  gave both my wife  a big hug before they left and a little rubber bracelet that said  Asher's Army, on it. That is the name given to the fund raiser project. I am honored to help Asher and I hope this little plaque brings a smile or two to his little face. I know for you and me, this is not the best Capt. America going but all I care about it that it is the best Capt America, Asher has.

  Please pray for Asher and his family. They are really great people who have worked hard for a long time for saving babies from being aborted. They need a miracle and God can do anything, if we pray and believe






 About a week ago, I posted a cutting of a ram pattern that I had framed and was donating for a local fund raiser for a 4 or 5 year old boy that has an incurable decease of the blood that will eventually take his life very early on. The parents are going to take all the money that is raised and give it for research to find a cure instead of using it for their personal medical expenses. The boys mother came to our house to pick up m y small donation and she had her three children with her, the youngest whom they adopted at birth and is now 14 months old. Anyway the little boy with the blood decease had on a spider man shirt and my  wife asked him it Spider Man was his hero. He told her, "No..Captain America was". So on the spot, I immediately knew my next step was going to be to make him a Captain America figure plaque for his wall. My wife wanted me to paint it as for a 5 year old, it would have more meaning. So  here is the results of my quest.. Oh, he volenteerilly  gave both my wife  a big hug before they left and a little rubber bracelet that said  Asher's Army, on it. That is the name given to the fund raiser project. I am honored to help Asher and I hope this little plaque brings a smile or two to his little face. I know for you and me, this is not the best Capt. America going but all I care about it that it is the best Capt America, Asher has.

  Please pray for Asher and his family. They are really great people who have worked hard for a long time for saving babies from being aborted. They need a miracle and God can do anything, if we pray and believe




Dick this is a great deed you have done. I have and will pray for little Asher. It's so sad thing like this happen to little kids. Sometimes a person thinks about how bad things are going for them then you see or hear about little Asher and you realize you have no problems at all.


Thank you everyone for your prayers for Asher, We pray every day for him and his family and we are expecting a miracle here.. If the Lord chooses to have Asher with Him, then we are praying He will guide the hands and minds so that a cure for this is found and others will be able to live full lives that are touched by this decease. God is goood





 About a week ago, I posted a cutting of a ram pattern that I had framed and was donating for a local fund raiser for a 4 or 5 year old boy that has an incurable decease of the blood that will eventually take his life very early on. The parents are going to take all the money that is raised and give it for research to find a cure instead of using it for their personal medical expenses. The boys mother came to our house to pick up m y small donation and she had her three children with her, the youngest whom they adopted at birth and is now 14 months old. Anyway the little boy with the blood decease had on a spider man shirt and my  wife asked him it Spider Man was his hero. He told her, "No..Captain America was". So on the spot, I immediately knew my next step was going to be to make him a Captain America figure plaque for his wall. My wife wanted me to paint it as for a 5 year old, it would have more meaning. So  here is the results of my quest.. Oh, he volenteerilly  gave both my wife  a big hug before they left and a little rubber bracelet that said  Asher's Army, on it. That is the name given to the fund raiser project. I am honored to help Asher and I hope this little plaque brings a smile or two to his little face. I know for you and me, this is not the best Capt. America going but all I care about it that it is the best Capt America, Asher has.

  Please pray for Asher and his family. They are really great people who have worked hard for a long time for saving babies from being aborted. They need a miracle and God can do anything, if we pray and believe




Beautiful art work,touching story of the family's mission struck with soon to be tragedy.i too offered prayers immediately


What a very sad story but you are a wonderful man Dick to not only give to the auction but to the little fellow himself.  He will treasure his Capt. America I am sure.  Thoughts and prayers going his way.



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