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With that said a girl my wife works with has ordered a magnet for every month of the year, well I had nothing for August so my wife said what about flip flops or slippers is what they're called in Hawaii. Anyway this is just a prototype made from cedar and 1/8"laun FD 3\0 spirals so input please thanks for reading and looking 😆. Jerry post-30125-0-66663800-1486232366_thumb.jpg


In Australia they are called Thongs. ( Undies are thongs too).  What a great looking magnet, they would look great if you made them larger for a beach house or a beach themed house.  Would love to see the set of magnets that you have made for every month.




With that said a girl my wife works with has ordered a magnet for every month of the year, well I had nothing for August so my wife said what about flip flops or slippers is what they're called in Hawaii. Anyway this is just a prototype made from cedar and 1/8"laun FD 3\0 spirals so input please thanks for reading and looking . Jerry attachicon.gif20170204_091250-1.jpg

Remarkably the best flip flops i've seen scrolled .Not many out there .These will please the females anywhere in the world!Great idea! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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