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Helmut,so sorry to hear your father is not well.

He has showed us a lot of nice projects he has done.

We will be praying for his good health.

You did a great job finishing the cat box.


Helmut, I am so very sad to read about your father being ill, he and I have traded e-mails every so often. I was wondering what was going on with him, he hasn't been on here for a long time. I hope that whatever is wrong with him, can be worked out. Let him know he will be in our thoughts and prayers, hopefully, he'll be feeling better in no time.



Hallo und guten Tag, ich heiße auch helmut. Mein Vater, Helmut, ist sehr sehr krank. Ich habe sein Werk beendet.


Ich darf sein Account hier im Forum benutzen




Hello and good day, I am also helmut. My father, Helmut, is very very sick. I have finished his work.


I can use his account here in the Forum



Hello Helmut,your Father has shown us some extraordinary projects he's put together (designed).I wish i had the skills to do one but they are not for the faint of heart scrollers .Very technically advanced and high detail.sick is one thing but very sick is alarming.he needs lots of prayers for us here in the village.He bonded with us from day one of joining.Give him my highest regards towards a speedy recovery,he's been missed .My god bless my friend Helmut and heal him in every way in Jesus name ,Amen.


So sorry to hear that your father is ill, I wish him a speedy recovery and will keep him and your family in my thoughts and prayers.  You did an excellent job of finishing the box, it is hard to tell that 2 people made it.  Well done Helmut.



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