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I finished this just as the super bowl was coming on. Just watched it for the commercials. Thank you Mahendra for the pattern. It took me 3 times to finally get it  done. took my time and sometimes held my breath on some parts but I got it done.  Still have to sand a little bit and stain but it is finished. 



I finished this just as the super bowl was coming on. Just watched it for the commercials. Thank you Mahendra for the pattern. It took me 3 times to finally get it  done. took my time and sometimes held my breath on some parts but I got it done.  Still have to sand a little bit and stain but it is finished.


Hi Mimi, hope you don't mind . I turned your photo upright.

You did a great job on it.



I finished this just as the super bowl was coming on. Just watched it for the commercials. Thank you Mahendra for the pattern. It took me 3 times to finally get it  done. took my time and sometimes held my breath on some parts but I got it done.  Still have to sand a little bit and stain but it is finished. 

Precisely executed scrolling my dear.You held your own and came out shining the like the star obsessed scoller you are! Beautiful cuttings.


Thank you everyone for all the comments. I would also like to thank Mahendra for the great pattern. Thanks Gordster for flipping the pattern. Well I am trying to decide what to do next . I am sure I will figure it out soon. . Thanks again hope every one has a great day. 


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