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good job, I know the feeling with getting older

Thanks Jim.First with 3.5 tons of tools ,who would have thought there would be no work in the recession,and now 3 years ago who would have thought i could not work anymore because of arthritis.always something.


Kevin, Kevin, Kevin,

I kept by-passing your post because it was titled so negatively but,

finally read it tonight. At least it ended on a more positive tone.

You don't have a table and you work with wood? Come on now. How hard would it be to

make a table any size you want with folding legs for flat storage?


I would think the people at the store would have loaded the lumber if you had asked.


Anyway, glad you got some cash and have the projects finished.

God Bless! Spirithorse

That's something i never figured out ,NO TABLE.If i do have one it needs to be set up out side ansd then put inside when finished as im in a ware house complex thats not loaded up with things that should be in your ware house.Everyplace i ever had to work and store thing has always been to small for a table.And if i set one up i can't get around it .No room to spare


Kevin, you do not have to stand for each hymn.There are folks where I go that stay seated, because

of health or mobility issues.The secret is to get in a back pew.But to get a back pew, you have to get there early.

Funny, if you were going to a concert, you have to be there early to get a front row.Church you have to be there

early to get a back one.The pastor doesn't care just as long as you are there for the offering lol Bad eh?



Everybody wants journeymans wages .even to sweep the floor.My first big screen monitor .I

m loving every second using it.It would be a great help for a patterning person i believe?

Check with the high school shop classes and see if you can work out something with them,   Just and idea :)




Kevin, you out did yourself again. Looks like no project is to big for you. You just need to slow down a bit and tell some of these people that you don't do big jobs anymore, just scroll work. That's what I do. To old for some big jobs.


For a table, get or make two saw horses and put some plywood across it. You can make them high enough to make it easier to work. I have a couple with adjustable height that I use at times.

just that is a job in its self more than i want to try to do.


Check with the high school shop classes and see if you can work out something with them,   Just and idea :)



Then i have to watch and see what disappears


This is why all my projects are small scroll saw art.  No more heavy lifting.

I'm learning!



Kevin, you out did yourself again. Looks like no project is to big for you. You just need to slow down a bit and tell some of these people that you don't do big jobs anymore, just scroll work. That's what I do. To old for some big jobs.

I've never learned the word no ,buy it looks like its coming to that

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