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Not done any scrolling for a while so I decided it's about time I did so I went out to my shed and did this, to say I was a bit rusty was an understatement and after a few little mishaps where a couple of small pieces broke off but after gluing them back on it didn't turn out too bad. Feels good to be scrolling again.

So you had a couple of happy accidents as Bob Ross would say"the canvas 30 minute artist on tv"All of your creations are tops ! This one hits home for a lot of folks! Keep your work coming.It's nice to have a break in something but scrolling is not one i like time away from .It just seems like somethings missing starting back every time.good to see you back Friend!


G'day Andrew, wondered where you were hiding.  ;)   Whenever I have a even a small break from scrolling I never tackle anything until I have found a scrap piece of wood and cut a few straight lines and a few tight turns just to get me back into the swing of it.

Great looking sign you made, well done.  Don't be a stranger pop in even when you are not scrolling.



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