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This clock is one that Steve Good posted a couple of days ago, I was excited to see it because as some already know,I really like the Eiffel Tower. I have made several Eiffel Towers but they were more detailed than this one is. I have to say when I went to download the pattern, I was disappointing that it was not a 4 sided pattern but I wanted to make it anyway. I have to say that is was a little time consuming do to the many holes to cut, but it is one that I believe anyone could cut without much difficulty. It does not take a lot of skill as almost everything is just a series of small straight lines. I added and stained a backer board to give it strength as it is rather tall and heavy, because it is 1/2 solid wood and the three section were only glued together where they meet. I do like the looks of the finished item and will offer it for sale on my Facebook page






I personally hate the Eiffel Tower but that is a long story.  That's a great cutting Dick you did a terrific job.  Terry also thought it should have been 4 sided when he saw the pattern, so great minds think alike. ;)




This clock is one that Steve Good posted a couple of days ago, I was excited to see it because as some already know,I really like the Eiffel Tower. I have made several Eiffel Towers but they were more detailed than this one is. I have to say when I went to download the pattern, I was disappointing that it was not a 4 sided pattern but I wanted to make it anyway. I have to say that is was a little time consuming do to the many holes to cut, but it is one that I believe anyone could cut without much difficulty. It does not take a lot of skill as almost everything is just a series of small straight lines. I added and stained a backer board to give it strength as it is rather tall and heavy, because it is 1/2 solid wood and the three section were only glued together where they meet. I do like the looks of the finished item and will offer it for sale on my Facebook page




You got that done in record time .Don't know where all your energy's coming from but keep them coming.


Dick you sure did a great job on the cutting, like others I was disappointed it wasn't four sided, I still might give it a shot. WTB has one in there catalog  but they want two much for the pattern, as I don't have that kind of money right now.  edward

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