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It depends on what kind of glue you use. Any oil will affect a standard wood glue or white PVA glue.


I don't use oil on my scroll saw portraits. Oil is used to bring out the grain, and since I use Baltic Birch plywood, it has very little grain to show off. Instead, I just clearcoat the portrait with clear acrylic spray. I also don't glue felt to my projects. I just set them behind the project and the frame backer keeps the felt in place.


Oil would be good on ply where color or grain is a focal point. I also use oil on all of my solid-wood projects.


But I guess I went a bit off topic. If you were to use oil on a portrait and wanted to glue the felt to the project, I'd use a hot glue gun. It holds well and can be easily removed. Other alternatives: epoxy, construction adhesive, super glue (ca glue), and spray adhesive would all work.


My way of useing lemon oil is to fill an old jelly jar half full of it ,cut the handle off a cheap chip brush to fit in the jar so lid can be closed.This way no mess or clean up.I find that a brush on of the oil is enough to bring out grain in most woods instead of soaking,also drying time is faster.Glueing to oil is a tough one,perhaps after oil dries real good and a clear arcrilic is applied to the back gluing might be more efective??John aka qlty

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