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As Fab has already answered these are actual old vinyl records that i rescue before they get dumped etc.

i sold a building by talking to the lady that owner it to my friend.Her son screwed me out of the commission i was supposed to get.but in the mean time the downstairs was a warehouse and full of records in boxes.my other friend paid to store the records there and defaulted on payments.the lady wanted the records gone .We played cards together often and she put the whole lot in 3000 boxes in the pot on one hand and i won.i had a sale for all the records and again her son messed it up.i would have lots of records to scroll then.Your could have been my sample .great job!


i sold a building by talking to the lady that owner it to my friend.Her son screwed me out of the commission i was supposed to get.but in the mean time the downstairs was a warehouse and full of records in boxes.my other friend paid to store the records there and defaulted on payments.the lady wanted the records gone .We played cards together often and she put the whole lot in 3000 boxes in the pot on one hand and i won.i had a sale for all the records and again her son messed it up.i would have lots of records to scroll then.Your could have been my sample .great job!

3000 boxes eww Kevin we could of split them and been happy scrolling discs for the rest of our scrolling years lol Thanks for the positive comments as always Kevin

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