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Great looking clock .... I have had the pattern for a while but have not started... Still working on The Tower of Time Clock from Wilckins Woodworking.


I have 3 other patterns... I buy them when looking through catalogs but have to be in the right frame of mind to begin a new large clock

Posted (edited)

An absolute masterpiece Tom!  I love the added touches, like the directional flooring and the wall decorations.  Those are things that most people wouldn't notice, but one of the measures of a true craftsman is the effort and attention he puts into details that others may never see.  Your work speaks volumes and you should be quite proud.  Well done!

Edited by Bill WIlson

It is a masterpiece Tom and thank you for letting watch you build it.


 I had that can't do attitude when I was on a forum and a guy built a 20 note hand crank organ.  He told me I could do it, so I bought the plans, but still thought it was beyond my skills.  I had the plans for two years, watched others on the forum build them.  Finally I decided what the heck, I can start, it is only wood, if I screw up get more wood and try again.  Once I started, I became obsessed with it.  Still took me 7 months to complete, but it was pretty much all I thought about for that time.  I had the motto, one part at a time, when that is done and correct, do another part.  Seemed like in no time I had a lot of parts, each became easier because my confidence was building right along with the parts.  It was unbelievable the first time I turned the crank and music came out.  Honestly brought tears to my eyes.  Probably the biggest thrill in my life next to holding my new babies for the first time.  Looking back, none of it was really that hard.


Congratulations on your great build.


Boy that looks like it came out real well. I am sure you are going to love it. I bet it was a fun and a rewarding project to do. It sure is a master pieces and a piece that will get talked about alot. Thanks for the detail build and good luck with the little details yet. Very nice work. True craftsmanship there.


I don't know what I like more, the clock or your story about the attitude change you needed to accomplish it.  I've shown it to my kids and explained that they too can achieve great things if they put their mind to it.


Well done.  It is an awesome piece of work!




wow, what a project! I have a thread of the construction over in the "works in progress' forum. but now I think im finished, so time for a lil bragging. :D

ive had the plans for quite a few years. pull em out, put em back. sometimes I was intimidated, sometimes not interested, and other times I wanted to work on something, but just not this at the time.

until about a month ago.

the real story how the plans ended up in my shop and I got kickin on it:

years ago I was asked to build a set of kitchen cabinets for a friends cottage. he had seen some of my other work and wanted cabinets constructed by me. I felt honored, but had never built cabinets.I told him I was intimidated at such a pretty big task, I really didn't have any knowledge of cabinet construction and wasn't sure if I could do it.

he replied,"with that attitude, theres nothing you can do.figure out how much money ya need to start and get back with me."

honestly, that statement buggered me up a bit and I was a little angry at him for sayin that. so, off to another friends to talk about it- basically tryin to find out why it buggered me up. that other friend said,"well, its pretty simple why it buggered ya up- because you know he was right- with that attitude, you cant do it. so theres a simple solution- change your attitude. the only reason ya cant do it is lack of knowledge on how to do it. ive bult cabinets. there just boxes with doors. now go get on the www and figure out how those boxes are constructed."



so, how did that come into play with me jumpin into this?

welp, when I pulled the plans out about a month ago, that friends words," with that attitude, theres nothing you can do" popped into my head and I was off to the shop!


so, for ANYONE who says they cant accomplish this clock-

with that attitude, you are right! ;)

but chhange your attitude and ANYTHING can be accomplished!


so here it is- the clock that took a few years to change my attitude about doing.

pics from my shop as where its going in the dining room- its gonna be right in front of a window and I cant get very good pics with the backlighting. maybe ill snap a few this evening,though.

oh, I put some Christmas lights in temporary to help show the scrollwork a bit.

Quite the project,One you'll never forget!


i found out today the company i got the clock movement and hands from is having a contest-grand prize a $500 gift certificate for their store.

i might have a grandfather clock build in the future!

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