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I ended up working on some dragons today. I am cutting them out of poplar and cherry. If I don't mess any of them up. I will end up with 21 dragons. Some will be left whole and then some will be cut into puzzles.


The front piece is cherry and the back piece is poplar

20170311 150107

The stack closest to you is poplar and then the other stack is cherry

20170311 155406

Close up of dragons


Sis thought this was cute having the dragons looking down at the carriage...somethings just not right with that girl. :)




Thanks for looking.



I ended up working on some dragons today. I am cutting them out of poplar and cherry. If I don't mess any of them up. I will end up with 21 dragons. Some will be left whole and then some will be cut into puzzles.


The front piece is cherry and the back piece is poplar

The stack closest to you is poplar and then the other stack is cherry
Close up of dragons
Sis thought this was cute having the dragons looking down at the carriage...somethings just not right with that girl. :)



Thanks for looking.


Great way to use your time creatively.looks like things are going to be cheaper by the dozen.they are a very nice nick nac that is not just sitting on the shelf but observing .Great selling point too.your mass production work can't be beat.Thanks for showing.


I ended up working on some dragons today. I am cutting them out of poplar and cherry. If I don't mess any of them up. I will end up with 21 dragons. Some will be left whole and then some will be cut into puzzles.


The front piece is cherry and the back piece is poplar

The stack closest to you is poplar and then the other stack is cherry
Close up of dragons
Sis thought this was cute having the dragons looking down at the carriage...somethings just not right with that girl. :)



Thanks for looking.


Turned out very nice,Great Job

Show us the puzzle ones once you have them.

Thank you for sharing



Thanks everyone and sorry for the late response. I sure am hoping they are going to be great sellers, if not everyone in the family will be getting dragons under the Christmas Tree :) . Yes I am always wearing the new respirator when I go into the garage to work. I am keeping it and the extra filters in the house just to make sure no sawdust gets on it.


Sam, I posted another thread called Dragons II that has one of the dragon puzzles in it. I will be cutting the other one out tonight.


Thank you


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