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💝 Valentine's Day Custom Ornament Business Kit - 30% Off Through Feb 14! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ×

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Hi CJ from UP.  Welcome to the Village.  I used to go to Michigan Tech as a college recruiter in the winter months.  You UPers sure know how to gather snow!!

Again, welcome to the village.



On 4/18/2017 at 4:02 PM, cnkcustoms02 said:

Hello from the U.P. I'm C.J. Not new to scrolling per se had a scroll saw since the early 90's just never did much with it but I got one from my wife's grandparents that is a little nicer than what I had and it rekindled my interest.

Yeah buddy a new saw will do that ,And just wait till you get a real good saw like a Dewalt 788 ! i found 7 of them on craigs list month afer month cheap.

8 hours ago, amazingkevin said:

Yeah buddy a new saw will do that ,And just wait till you get a real good saw like a Dewalt 788 ! i found 7 of them on craigs list month afer month cheap.

There's a guy with an older Hegner not far from here but I don't have a spare $1000 for it at the moment lol plus if I am gonna spend that much I'll just buy a new one lol


Yes i agree that big hard earned money .$200 for a used dw788 is all i pay for them.and have gotten one for $100.Offer up is a new site like craigs list and you can dial in what your looking for.how these places do this and don't charge is beyond me? Stay away from Chinese ,harbor freight,sears,ryobe,porter cable,dremil,they wear out very quit as they don't have lube points and bearings.i've gone thru over a dozen cheap-o's and had a ball but that's a lot of machines to throw away.better spend good money after good machines .i am poor as a rat now and the too .i did what i could .My first dewalt came in by tradeing my intarsia work for it .the guy had a dw788 and didn't know how to use it as a wood worker .He collects art work and when he seen my work immediately he reached out his hand and said it's a deal !


Welcome, glad you decided to join up here.  Lots to see and do and filled with really nice fpriendky people who are always willing to share their comments and talents with one another.  I live in central Oregon but right now I am vacationing in Arizona.  




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