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Denny Knappen

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Last week, I captured this pattern by Paul (Grandpa) in the New Patterns Section.  I used Baltic Birch plywood 1/4" x 11" x 14".  The pattern was enlarged by 20% and even then, some of the holes were small.  There were almost 300 holes to drill and cut.  Very time consuming, but I finished it in one day.  The backing is a black mat board and of course, I framed it at ArtCrafters.  The picture doesn't show, but I used framing quality Acrylite.  I went through about three FD New Spiral #2/0 blades.  Comments welcome.

Owl 051617.JPG

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21 hours ago, Denny Knappen said:

Last week, I captured this pattern by Paul (Grandpa) in the New Patterns Section.  I used Baltic Birch plywood 1/4" x 11" x 14".  The pattern was enlarged by 20% and even then, some of the holes were small.  There were almost 300 holes to drill and cut.  Very time consuming, but I finished it in one day.  The backing is a black mat board and of course, I framed it at ArtCrafters.  The picture doesn't show, but I used framing quality Acrylite.  I went through about three FD New Spiral #2/0 blades.  Comments welcome.

Owl 051617.JPG

isn't it amazing that looking at a small simple picture could contain so many pilot holes.Yep 300 of them taking a day sounds about right.Reminds me of a gorrila i did with 330 holes 40" x 20" .It was like swiss cheese towards the end and all i wished for was for it not to break BEFORE I FINISHED IT.Yours at 11" x 14'' was an incredible feat.A microscope was just about needed to find the next hole with out going into the one you just came out of.Better you than me .well done good and faithfull scroller!

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Wow, what an awesome pattern by Paul (grampa) and you did an awesome job cutting it all out and then adding in the framing.  300 holes - all drilled and then cut out in one day.  I am in awe of such patience and skill!  Looks beautiful.  Thanks for sharing it.

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