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Recently "Old Dust" posted a thread about compound cutting.  I have made a few mini bird houses and really enjoyed it but Old Dust's thread renewed my interest.  I remembered a book I purchased several years ago, filed it away and forgot about it.  This morning I dug it out and I am curious if anyone is familiar with it and this type of compound cutting?  I have not tried it.  As I understand these, you cut them with the patterns provided, and when done you look at one side of piece and you see one thing, turn it and you see another.  I have never seen any that have been cut other than the pictures in the book. 



compound 2.jpg

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I have this book also, and yes I've cut a few of them. You follow the same way as you would other compound cutting. And yes these are made where you look one way and it's one thing and you look at the other side and it's a new thing. If you try and make your own patterns with this style, you have to make sure that each thing you use won't interfere with the other. I've tried to make patterns like these and once I cut them, they didn't work out right as one design would make the other one look weird. They would match right. I wish someone with a little more experience with this style of compound cutting and pattern making might do a tutor on making compound patterns like this. As far as the patterns in this book they seem to be fairly easy to cut or at least the ones I've cut.

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On 5/11/2017 at 0:10 PM, Scrappile said:

Recently "Old Dust" posted a thread about compound cutting.  I have made a few mini bird houses and really enjoyed it but Old Dust's thread renewed my interest.  I remembered a book I purchased several years ago, filed it away and forgot about it.  This morning I dug it out and I am curious if anyone is familiar with it and this type of compound cutting?  I have not tried it.  As I understand these, you cut them with the patterns provided, and when done you look at one side of piece and you see one thing, turn it and you see another.  I have never seen any that have been cut other than the pictures in the book. 



compound 2.jpg

the eagle really stands out!

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Also look for similar books by Diana Thompson. She has several different pattern books available on compound (3D) cutting and they are all very good. I cut many of her compound cut Christmas Ornaments and also some of the patterns in her "3D Patterns For The Scroll Saw" book. The rural mailbox on the stand with the vines growing up the stand in this book have really amazed some of the people who have seen the ones that I have made. Some of the patterns in this book look similar to the Dr Zeus characters, so Diana may have been inspired a bit by Dr Zeus. Children jump for joy when they see the ones that I cut.



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I own a copy of that book, and I've cut a few of the items out. The one I like the best, is the one with the fisherman fly fishing on one side and a fish on the other. They were very popular with the salmon fishermen, I sold ten of them one season. I charged thirty -five dollars for each one, I often wondered if I was charging enough because they sold so quickly.


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I have to to take the time to try one soon.  I find them fascinating.  I keep saying that, but so many projects, so little time.  And I keep buying patterns.  There is no end.....

Been hoping some one would post some pictures of theirs.

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