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We're On A New Server!

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57 minutes ago, hawkeye10 said:

Just one question. If you had it to do over again would you switch?

I suppose it depends.  Would I update the software?  Yes.  I pretty much had to do that.  Being behind on software upgrades will eventually bite you.  And It kinda did to me.  I wasn't horribly out of date, but it was getting bad and really needed to be done.  Plus, if I didn't upgrade, SSV probably would be no more.  I'm going to be better with sofware updates in the future.

Would I switch servers?  I guess time will tell.  Right now, all I can think of is how much of a PITA it was.  Moving servers is always fraught with problems.  I've had to do that twice before, and each time sucked.   But I'm hoping this new server will fill our needs much better and I don't find any new issues.  --crossing fingers--

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4 hours ago, Travis said:

Holy Cow!  We Made It!  We finally made the switch over to a new server!  I want to thank everybody for your patience.  I'm really sorry it took so long to get things back on track.  I know it really sucks not being able to log in, browse, and chat with fellow scrollers.  I assure you, I was just as frustrated as you were, and I thank you for sticking by me.

Because you're reading this, it means we're on a new server.  What does that mean?  It means the website will be faster and more adaptive to traffic spikes.  We still have to monitor our CPU usage.  So it will be somewhat locked down for guest browsers, but I'll slowly start opening thing up for folks not logged in.  But I have to be careful, I don't want to get the site suspended again.  So I'll be slow and steady.  I'm going to also upgrade our service plan, so we have a little more headroom during traffic spikes.  It's basically the highest package plan without going to a dedicated server, which is crazy expensive.  So I hope it doesn't come to that.

Anyway, welcome to our new digs.  I'm hoping you don't see anything different, because that means it went well.  But if something comes up, you can leave a message in the forum or shoot me a message by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the forum.  You can also email me at travis [at] scrollsawvillage.com

Thanks everybody for your patience.  While painful, it was necessary and will protect us in the future.

i guess since i joined you did this twice hope this last longer.Thanks! Good job!

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