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I have finally got round to joining this forum as I love to read about other craftsmen and womens creations, I live in a very rural area of Scotland surrounded by mountains and forests etc with mainly wildlife for neighbours. I got my first scrollsaw in 2014 as a gift from my wife Ruth.......and have really caught the bug big time lol, I cannot do scrollwork due to only having full use of one hand/arm and tend to stick to Intarsia work as the pieces of wood are much chunkier and easier for me to hold (I actually use Visegrips/Molegrips to hold the wood as no pinch grip looks a bit strange but gets me by fine)

My work is usually related to our local wildlife so things like Deer/Red Kites/Otters and Barn owls  BUT I am also a motorcycle fanatic and have owned 40+ over the years including Harleys/Goldwings/Nortons etc so I also make motorcycle Intarsias......I have added some photos to my gallery but they haven't appeared yet so guess they will be getting checked out by Mods before going online?

I have been on Steve Goode's forum and the UK Workshop forums for a while so some of you might already know my work.......its not great but keeps me amused which is always a good thing?

Anyway hope to get to know you guys and maybe share some tips/ideas 



Ps  Scroll Saws Owned
Axminster Trade Series AWFS18 (Hegner Clone)
Axminster Trade Series EX-30 (HMS Axminster Aircraft Carrier)


Edited by Claymore

Welcome to our village, always room for one more. And your right, here you will be able to pickup hints and tips as well as help others

You work is beautiful I hope you post  more.


Welcome to The Village. I have to say that reading your introduction I felt a little ashamed of myself because  once in awhile as I am working on a project, I find that I get discouraged or find myself cutting corners so as to hurry and finish a piece. As a result, I neglect to put into it the necessary efforts and my project becomes a little less than I am capable of. Then I read your introduction and the physical problems you have with only the use of one arm but you still manage to do some really nice work in spite of this problem. That is what makes my hurried work all the more senseless. So thank you for the wake up call for me.  I will try to remember your struggles and successes and hopefully do a better job, myself. 

  So glad you are here in our family now and I hope to see you on here a lot so I can get to know you a little better as time goes on.




Welcome to the Village Brian.  I'm Marg from Australia.  I love your Owl, beautiful.  Glad you found us, now pull up a chair and make yourself at home.




Another Tennessee welcome. We traveled to Scotland a several years back now (at least 7 I think.) it was beautiful area, reminded me a lot of home whi ch would explain why a lot of Scottish and Irishmen and women stopped here when they traversed across the ocean all those many years ago. I forget where all we visited now though.

your owl is absolutely stunning, admired all the more due to your physical limitations that you clearly work around to do your craftsmenship admirably.

So, do you create and use only your own patterns?

intarsia is what brought be to the saw and this forum a little over a year ago.


Thanks everyone for making me welcome here! :)  I have meant to join for quite a while after fellow Brit Don (Watson) mentioned the village on the UK forums and its great to see such a varied selection of craftsmen/women creating great pieces of art.

My hand/arm problems do hinder me a bit but its a case of either adapt or stop and get rid of my workshop which will never happen so I basically have to plan when my hands very bad to do less detailed work and also maintenance until its a bit better and then get back to the woodworking......slow process but i am getting a bit quicker and my wife is also helping me get organised lol  

Intarsia is still quite rare over here in the UK but more people are having a go which is good news and i try and encourage others to try Intarsia and share tips etc, we are also quite limited regarding decent hardwoods here so 99% of my projects are made from recycled old furniture and I have lots of Oak/Walnut/Mahogany/Beech etc all from old tables.....I also like to experiment using other materials than wood so you may see more Corian and even Pewter turning up in my intarsia projects (Pewter can be cast into flat sections and then cut using your scrollsaw and then polished up lovely, imagine a knight in armour with pewter armour etc :)

Anyway enough of me waffling and thanks again


6 hours ago, don watson said:

Hi Brian Welcome to the Village.

I have met you on UKWorkshop


take care

Don W

Hi Don :)  finally joined the forum.....you mentioned it to me a long time ago but as with everything i do I don't rush anything lol  hopefully I can help with tips and ideas on here and see what they think of our designs from over the pond



Ps have you got the Mens Shed up and running yet? anything that gets people away from the televisions and into workshops is a good thing.


Hi Brian,

Glad to see you here. I think you will be like a breath of fresh air. Your work is outstanding and should be recognised as such (it will be)

The shed is almost there, lawyers are negotiating with the current owners of the shed (Scout Association) and that will get us the keys, hopefully before the end of July.

take care

Don W


On 7/7/2017 at 1:07 PM, Claymore said:


I have finally got round to joining this forum as I love to read about other craftsmen and womens creations, I live in a very rural area of Scotland surrounded by mountains and forests etc with mainly wildlife for neighbours. I got my first scrollsaw in 2014 as a gift from my wife Ruth.......and have really caught the bug big time lol, I cannot do scrollwork due to only having full use of one hand/arm and tend to stick to Intarsia work as the pieces of wood are much chunkier and easier for me to hold (I actually use Visegrips/Molegrips to hold the wood as no pinch grip looks a bit strange but gets me by fine)

My work is usually related to our local wildlife so things like Deer/Red Kites/Otters and Barn owls  BUT I am also a motorcycle fanatic and have owned 40+ over the years including Harleys/Goldwings/Nortons etc so I also make motorcycle Intarsias......I have added some photos to my gallery but they haven't appeared yet so guess they will be getting checked out by Mods before going online?

I have been on Steve Goode's forum and the UK Workshop forums for a while so some of you might already know my work.......its not great but keeps me amused which is always a good thing?

Anyway hope to get to know you guys and maybe share some tips/ideas 



Ps  Scroll Saws Owned
Axminster Trade Series AWFS18 (Hegner Clone)
Axminster Trade Series EX-30 (HMS Axminster Aircraft Carrier)

BARN OWL WINDOW 1 (Small).jpg

Who would have though you were handicapped from the work you put out,you do better than a 4 armed man!

8 hours ago, amazingkevin said:

Who would have though you were handicapped from the work you put out,you do better than a 4 armed man!

LOL wish I had four arms Kevin :lol:  on a good day i can still "steer" my work on the saw with my worst hand so not totally useless, it annoys me more than but there are many much worse off than myself so best to just get on with it and mind my fingers :)

Thanks too for your comments on my photos...I wasn't sure if it was ok to post so many in one go but thought it gives a better idea of my work and if anyone wants anymore info on them then give me a shout and hopefully i can help.



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