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1 hour ago, ekud1946 said:

Do most scrollers cut clock wise or counter clock wise?





William it might have to do with which handed you are. I am left handed and when I can I start on the right side and go to the left. It's just what a person wants to do in my opinion.

You have some really nice stuff on your Etsy shop but in my opinion they are worth a lot more than you are asking. I don't sell anything so I guess am am cheaper than you.  :lol:


Clockwise?? Counterclockwie???  My clock is digital!!!
As I sit facing the saw, I almost always keep my project to the left and the waste to the right. The way most blades are milled, they have a tendency to cut more to the right side so if my blade drifts, it goes toward the waste side. Also, if the blade is cutting more on the right, it seems to me that there would be more tooth marks on the right side and so the left side would be smoother. But, truth be told, I really can't tell any difference. That's my two cents worth, but in this case, it is probably worth a nickel.

There is a fine line between awe-some and aw-ful, especially when scrollsawing. 


Funny, I was thinking about this a few days ago and was going to ask.  I go clockwise and wondered if that was "normal" for right handed people.  I'm very left hand oriented in many things and I tend to think clockwise cutting is a more left handed tendency, but wasn't sure.


If I am using a blade that was press made (Olson, most FD) I cut with the waste on the left side of the blade usually a counterclock wise rotation. For machined blades (Modified geometry by Pegas, Olson PGT) I cut clockwise for most things.



I use spirals almost 100% of the time and don't spin the material but do always try and work counter clockwise for the reason of I'm right handed and seem to like having my right hand closer to where it's cutting. When using the bandsaw just to add here, I always cut counterclockwise also.


I'm right handed, but cut both ways. Especially if I'm cuttin' fine or small detail. I have a tendency to cut on the right side more, I think. I start my cuts in a corner, or if there is enough room, I'll drill an entry hole in the center of the area I'm goin' to cut & cut around so the blade is cuttin' along the line & I end up cuttin' ccw. I'm a bottom feeder, so I guess ya figure out what works for you.


I cut counter clockwise. It feels better for me but sometimes I do cut clock wise to. All depends on what your cutting I guess. You do what ever feels right for you. Thgere's no wrong way.


I cut however the pattern dictates, but mostly like Denny, It is more determined by the blade. Most blade teeth have a burr  on the right side (teeth facing you) I keep the non-waste to the left or smooth side. In reality I can't see a major difference in the quality of cut. 

I try to be consistent with which side of the line I cut on as it does come into play when doing intarsia. 

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