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I've Been Thinking...

Jim McDonald

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(and that might be dangerous)

But, in the past couple of weeks there have been a few topics from newer scrollers asking questions about machines, blades and/or techniques that those of us who have been doing this for years do automatically and never give it a second thought.

But, in answering those questions (or reading the replies) I have forced myself to think more fully about the stuff we do and the steps we go through as automatically as we tie our shoes.

A few examples: wood jumping on table (blade upside down or tension); blades breaking (tension or incorrect size/pushing); glue ups before or after finishing--and the list goes on.

And as a community, scrollers are VERY fast to share information and extend a helping hand and my younger self appreciated that and I will always try to help "newbies" with anything I can and I know that after 10+ years sitting on the stool cutting, I can and do learn almost every time I am at the saw (or read a forum post here or over at SSWC).

I want to thank the community for the help given in the past, the learning I am doing now and the questions I will have in the future. And I challenged myself to read all posts that seem to be asking for help--just to make sure there is not something I have learned (generally through hard knocks) that I can pass along to help someone else NOT make the mistake I did.  (I made a lot of fancy firewood)

Edited by Jim McDonald
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That's what these forums are all about Jim! My biggest issue is I  am on the west coast and by the time I get on, most questions have been answered. So I feel there is no need to answer a question that has already been answered correctly. But if I feel I can add to the info already given, I will.

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I have been on a lot of wood working type forums.  This is the biggest and the most friendly, informative and helpful of all I have been a member of.  Most forums I have belonged to have clicks, and if you don't fit the click, you are left outside.  I do not feel that here.  The only other forum I have belonged to that was as good is Family Woodworking forum.  Great people, just not nearly as many as here.

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3 hours ago, dgman said:

That's what these forums are all about Jim! My biggest issue is I  am on the west coast and by the time I get on, most questions have been answered. So I feel there is no need to answer a question that has already been answered correctly. But if I feel I can add to the info already given, I will.

Well Dan, I'm also on the West coast and you have already been a big help to me so I guess it works both ways. Thanks.




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I'm one of those people who has many interests and whenever something new comes to mind, the first thing I do is go looking for a forum of others who have the similar interest. I look not only for information, guidance and knowledge but also I am looking for the comraderie that I find in these forums. This particular one is one of my favorites because I am treated well by those of you who have been here a long time. So far, every silly question I have asked has been answered by many of you. It's a veritable fountain of knowledge. I found the same thing when I went looking for help with woodcarving and found it at the Wood Carving Illustrated forum. Another great bunch of folks there too. I want to thank you all.



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You never stop learning is my moto Jim, how every clever you think you are and If I can chip in with any of my mishaps I'm more than happy to make a fool of myself;) to assist someone else from doing the same.:D A big thank you from me for all the help I've received in the passed from everyone.:thumbs: Roly 

Edited by Phantom Scroller
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5 hours ago, Scrappile said:

I have been on a lot of wood working type forums.  This is the biggest and the most friendly, informative and helpful of all I have been a member of.  Most forums I have belonged to have clicks, and if you don't fit the click, you are left outside.  I do not feel that here.  The only other forum I have belonged to that was as good is Family Woodworking forum.  Great people, just not nearly as many as here.

How well i know the feeling.

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There is something special about the village. Both new and older scrollers come here, read and learn or help. Travis has done a great job on putting together a special place for all of us to come, learn and share tips tricks and assistance. So hats off to Travis and everyone else that has made this place a safe haven for us all to grow.

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I often wonder how much easier it may have been to learn this craft, had I had access to all the great information available these days at the click of a mouse.  Back when I started scrolling, it was mostly self taught, trial & error.  I already had a background in carpentry and woodworking, so most of it came to me fairly readily, but with some of the more scrolling specific stuff, having a place to ask questions & share ideas would have been helpful.  I joined a scroll saw club in 2005 and shortly after that discovered some of the scrolling resources on the internet.  This forum is a favorite because it's pretty active.  I don't chime in much, because as others have said, most of the time the question is thoroughly answered by the time I read it.  However, like others, I still learn some new tricks, even after 20 plus years of scrolling.

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12 hours ago, Jim McDonald said:

(and that might be dangerous)

But, in the past couple of weeks there have been a few topics from newer scrollers asking questions about machines, blades and/or techniques that those of us who have been doing this for years do automatically and never give it a second thought.

But, in answering those questions (or reading the replies) I have forced myself to think more fully about the stuff we do and the steps we go through as automatically as we tie our shoes.

A few examples: wood jumping on table (blade upside down or tension); blades breaking (tension or incorrect size/pushing); glue ups before or after finishing--and the list goes on.

And as a community, scrollers are VERY fast to share information and extend a helping hand and my younger self appreciated that and I will always try to help "newbies" with anything I can and I know that after 10+ years sitting on the stool cutting, I can and do learn almost every time I am at the saw (or read a forum post here or over at SSWC).

I want to thank the community for the help given in the past, the learning I am doing now and the questions I will have in the future. And I challenged myself to read all posts that seem to be asking for help--just to make sure there is not something I have learned (generally through hard knocks) that I can pass along to help someone else NOT make the mistake I did.  (I made a lot of fancy firewood)

Very well put Jim. We all benefit from this forum. There was a time in my life when I pretty much new everything but now I think I don't hardly know anything. 

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14 hours ago, Bill WIlson said:

I often wonder how much easier it may have been to learn this craft, had I had access to all the great information available these days at the click of a mouse.  Back when I started scrolling, it was mostly self taught, trial & error.  I already had a background in carpentry and woodworking, so most of it came to me fairly readily, but with some of the more scrolling specific stuff, having a place to ask questions & share ideas would have been helpful.  I joined a scroll saw club in 2005 and shortly after that discovered some of the scrolling resources on the internet.  This forum is a favorite because it's pretty active.  I don't chime in much, because as others have said, most of the time the question is thoroughly answered by the time I read it.  However, like others, I still learn some new tricks, even after 20 plus years of scrolling.


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I think a lot of us feel the same way and we all learn as we go. Tapping into a wealth of different opinions is more than words can describe as we all grow together. 

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On 9/27/2017 at 8:22 PM, Scrappile said:

I have been on a lot of wood working type forums.  This is the biggest and the most friendly, informative and helpful of all I have been a member of.  Most forums I have belonged to have clicks, and if you don't fit the click, you are left outside.  I do not feel that here.  The only other forum I have belonged to that was as good is Family Woodworking forum.  Great people, just not nearly as many as here.

AGREED! I am on several forums and this is by far the friendliest form I've found.

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This forum is Family.  Everyone is helpful and quick to respond to questions and make the newbie feel right at home. I love this place and I feel I already know so many of you and actually would not know you if I was standing beside you at Wal Mart as I truly have not had the opportunity to meet very many in person, but the few I have met are like old time friends. 

I have, personally, helped several people in many areas such as pattern making, exchanging wood for other products they have, walking several people through things on the phone.. I love it when I can help people here. I have never regretted on time, that I chose to become a member of this forum.



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its great to see so many positive posts! this is my favorite hang out of the different forums I regular. We have more newbies here than most, imo, bcause of the friendly atmosphere, & the help & learning they can get without a bunch of nonsense competition over who has the best of the best, or most expensive wood, etc.

We have so many different levels of scrollers here willing to give information to help. I think that is a feather in our hat compared to most. Even those of us with years of experience learn something here. And to me, that's part of the camaraderie, friendship, & willingness to come together when needed.

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