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Guess it is about time I introduce myself I am Jerry Britner "Pa Pa Okc".

Three years ago I started out making small jewelery boxes and took five or six of them out to a local flea market for sale...Three years down the pike I still have three of those boxes the others were given as gifts..

Two weeks perhaps before Berry Basket shut down their site and sold out I stumbled on to their site and was flabbergasted by what I saw..I was like a kid at a toy store looking in amazement at what could be done with a scroll saw whatever that is...So I ordered their CD and the rest is history as they say I now have a small shop in a local flea market well stocked with projects of every description..

My partner in the shop and I have a standing joke someone will stop by and ask us to create a special project for them and of course neither of us know the meaning of the word no so we answer sure we can do that then whisper to one another we ca do that can't we??

Hats off to Travis for the tutorials on using Gimp it has taken my work to much higher level one day I will sit down and go through the tutorials on Inkscape..




Let me be the first to welcome you to the village (assuming that no one beats me at posting a message). You have found a fantastic site with a wealth of information and knowledge. We are so glad that you found us. Again welcome to the village.


JERRY,how are ya!lolWell you've found the best place to be. I spend more time in the village then in the refrigerator.lol.this is the best pass time i have every found .Can't wait to see what you've been up to all these years.Load up your gallery and show us how it's done up there.I have'nt seen and one in the flea market down here.Am curious as to how thats working out for you.do you do on the spot things there?like a quick name or caricatures




Thanks for throwing open the welcome mat, so when is the pool party again chuckle...

Actually Kevin the flea market is working well for me of course it could always do much better..I have a saw in the booth with supplies so simple projects like name signs can be done while the customer continues to shop. More complicated projects are done at home and I try to deliver them the next weekend...with a notation that I don't rush any project so if it takes longer it takes longer what can I say. I also maintain and artist privilege clause where I have the freedom to change things up bit if I choose..

Portraits I am allowing myself two to three weeks so I have elbow room to play around with it..Still wet behind the ears on this part of the business..

That being said like you have read a thousand times over on the internet flea markets are not the best venue if you are attempting to get a fair market value for your projects. For instance decorative wood plates that I have seen on the internet selling for fifty dollars I am getting around twenty five dollars for the same plate. Craft show booth rental at least in these neck of the woods start around one hundred and twenty dollars for the weekend if your lucky. I get a good size space front row across from the doors and the office for the entire month for just a little more than that. So it doesn't hurt so bad to settle for a little lower price than usual.

If anyone wants to see pictures of my little shop go to the Golden Goose Flea Market page on Facebook and bring up the pictures for Pa Pa's Woodcraft Emporium


By the way I think it is interesting that the first ones to welcome me here in the village are from places where I have deep roots...I lived in Tiffin Ohio as a teenager and was born and raised in Saint Petersburg Florida. Not sure where Crestview Florida is however I moved here to Oklahoma City around twenty years ago from Orlando where I worked in the laundry of the recently opened Walt Disney World...

Sure is a small world made smaller by the internet...


Hi Jerry. Welcome to the Village. Its amazing what a simple tool could accomplish, huh? I'm constantly amazed about what folks come up with. So cool. I'm glad to hear you're making a little extra cash with it. Being able to do custom orders really makes it fun and challenging. Anyway, welcome aboard. Jump in and have some fun! :thumbs:

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