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Day 2 of 3 Day Event


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Day 2 - Saturday - Quite cold this morning but the event doesn't start til 11:00.  At 9am I decide to go down and check things out and take the fabric walls down from my tent.  I had simply zipped it up and left everything there.  First time I've done that.  I usually pack up my puzzles and take them with me overnight for a multi-day event.  I'll never leave them overnight again...  I get down there and notice one of my walls is open on one side... "Oh shit, someone went in..."  I open it and I see my displays laying on the ground versus on the table where I had left them... puzzle pieces laying in various places... but it doesn't look like total mayhem... I look around a little more, I look around the outside, I notice my tent was lowered... What the hell?  Then I realize... wind... then I talk to one of the BBQ rib vendors and they say it was incredible... A wind storm hit around 11pm last night and even though I live 4 blocks from the event I didn't hear or know about it.  I live at the beach, wind is a rather constant thing, but this was pretty bad...  stuff blowing all over, the tents they were using over dining table were totally blown away and destroyed, I walked over to where the majority of vendors were and their tents are twisted and bent, it was a mess... I later find out that the organizers had scrambled and lowered my tent and tried to put the displays on the ground to avoid things blowing away.  

End result, after I piece together a couple dozen puzzles that had gotten unassembled, I only had 3 broken puzzles.  Absolutely amazing and lucky.  I get my booth set back up and the day goes smooth.  Sales were mediocre and I won't do Day 3.

Lesson learned... always be sure if leaving tent overnight, be sure to fully secure it (which I had done fortunately) and don't EVER leave puzzles overnight.  It's not worth the chance of a freak wind or thunderstorm.  I take over 200 puzzles to each event, that's over $5,000 in value, not to mention the 100 hours of work that was put into them.

Now I focus on my remaining 3 events, all holiday oriented crafts events which I should do rather well.  Then I get 3 1/2 months off from doing events, but will be stockpiling throughout the winter.




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34 minutes ago, Gordster said:

From the pictures Scott,you sure lucked out there.organizers sure did you a big favor

Absolutely.  And the fact that I upgraded a notch or two to a sturdier tent a couple of months ago.  It looked like it held up ok, but the real test will be tomorrow morning when I go there to take the tent down and bring it home with my tables.  I left them overnight, I only brought home my puzzles and other crap tonight.

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6 hours ago, Lucky2 said:

Scott, you were very lucky,I would never leave that much stock out overnight unattended. There's just to much temptation there, for the untrustworthy to ignore. 


Yeah, it was the first time I'd done that, but it's in my home town, Mayberry Beach as I refer to it and I knew the cops were watching over the venue overnight and I figured if anyone was going to do something mischievous they'd be more attracted to stealing racks of ribs.  ;-)

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