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My name is Bill Goodwin and I am also from Ms. I am 68 retired and just starting in this hobby. As my medical Problems will not let me Drive or be out in the sun very long I am hoping that I will be able to do this.I do not like TV and wanted somthing to keep me alert. BillyG :)


Welcome to the Village Billy, we are so glade you found us. I do believe that you have found one of the best sites around with knowledge and pattern designers. So ask those questions when you need to, but most of all enjoy yourself. Again welcome to the Village


hello BILLY,How are you, i don't know if you have a scroll saw yet but this months "scrollsaw working and crafts"magazine as a nice section of 23 scrollsaws.The magazine store should have this magazine for you ,call ahead to see if they do ,save a trip.I hope you have a printer so you can get patterns from sites to cut.If you can set up the saw next to a window with a fan in it to draw the dust away from you and out of the house.tilt your saw towards you so you can see better when cutting.A foot switch is nice to have that acts like a third hand.Get a saw with the blade tension in the front not the back of the saw.A clamp on light is a big plus too so you can see better..a small drill press is a plus and a belt sander with a disc on the side really help out alot.The big box stores will have this at around $100. a piece.A good rule of thumb is three saw blade teeth in contact with the wood at all times.1/4 "wood would need 16 teeth per inch ,3/4 plywood would need about 12 ,more or less depending how fast you want to cut.and how smooth you want the edge to be. saw blades with teeth faceing up and down are called reverse tooth blades . They are very desirerable as you have little or no sanding to do when finished.they leave a clean cut on both sides of the wood with no tearing.these are little things to make scrolling alot more enjoyable for you .Welcome to the village You found a home! :)


Thank to all For the Great Welcome and the good advice. No I have not got A saw but I am going soon to do so I have been looking at sears 18in but dont know What do you folks think about that choice? My main cutting will be compound work. Thanks BillyG :)


Hey billie ,how ya doin , Thats whats great about ssvillage, somebody knows the answer , Problem here is i have no idea what compound cutting is .Glad you came aboard to enlighten the crew what it is,. Ill keep guessing though till then.I like craftsman ,i have a 20" c-arm that really has me sold.it's made to last with 1/4 roller bearings in the back of the arm .should out last me,lol,and all the other bearing else where are roller bearings. I bought spray chain lube so they are lubed for life.Zero blade wobble too.I looked up compound cutting in the wiki section of ssv but it was empty.Help us out Thanks


Please forgive me as I said I am stark new to scrolling. What I am trying to say when you cut a pattern out of A block when you get finished you have A 3d object. OOPS!! I think I just wokeup. :o


Good morning Mr.billie G.Ha ha thats funny,!Your signature is all over your posts ,and if you want to know who,how what and where about a member just click on their name and what ever they told about themselves when they signed up as a member will show up.Another funny thing is ,i allready did a compound cutting and did'nt know it was called that and liked it very much.I'd love to see what others come up with.As soon as i seen the one , i had to try my hand at it and it came out goood!post-2756-134955542173_thumb.jpg :)

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