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Ibought this saw sunday the 18th unboxed it today read the manual and decided to try A blade change well the top holder will not hold the blade no matter what I do Any Ideas? As money is A factor in my purchase of A saw I am thinking take the sears back go to lowes and get the cw-40 any advise on this idea? :?


If you are having trouble with it, I would suggest take it back, and try another one, that one may have a defect, or maybe buy one at Lowes and forget about sears, there quality isn't like it use to be. Just my opinion Edward


This months scrollsaw woodworking and crafts has a great section covering 23 saw on the market now.i paid $7 buck for the magazine and refer to it alot.Your craftsman is in there but not the hitachi cw40 .I choose not to buy the hitachi because my hand did'nt fit in good to change the bottom blade.Good looking saw but i could not use it.If you've been scrolling allr eady you'll know what to look for ,creature comforts etc.Harbor freight has a central machinery scroll saw that has the same problem and the motor has a mind of its own ,like speed up alot with a little pressure from feeding wood . I just wanted it to hold me over till the dremil got out of the shop.but had to pass on that one ,(bring it back).The magazine has saws from 60 to 2500 bucks. Craiges list down here is loaded with nice new and used saws,good prices too .make sure you enter scroll saw as 2 words otherwise you won't find anything. Hope this help some.good things come to those that wait!I waited along time for a saw that had needle bearing and i found it ,craftsman c-arm 20"for 100.buck on craigs list .This will not wear out like the low price week end warrior saws. :)


hello,have to put my two cents in .I have had the craftsman 21 inch and hated it I now have the hitachi from lowes and really like it.I do not have big hands so it is fine for me.For the money I think it is a good bargain.I started on an old montgomery Wards pin type scrollsaw so this is a real move up.Still have the old saw by the way.


I'm guessing there is a slight bur on the blade clamping screw. This will make it so the end of the screw doesn't make full contact with the blade. This is fairly common and as a result of the manufacturing process. If this is the problem, its an easy fix. Unscrew the blade holding screw and take a look. This has to be absolutely flat. You can take a file or fine sandpaper and file off the bur and give it another try.


I don't know much about the 21 inch. I know they haven't had a real good reputation in the past. I have a craftsman 16 inch and love it. But its a bit different design than they have today. :?


The Hitachi is a beautyful saw and i'd love to try one ,but fat pudgy fingers and hands do make things unuseable.darn .The dewalt dw788 is beautyful to but i have the same problem with that gem too.Maybe a diet is in order.the sears 21609 won't work for me either.Do you know where i can buy a goliath machine at,lol. I'm real happy ,if fact more than happy with the sears 20"c-arm scroll saw.Zero vibration ,passes the nickle test and blows saw dust 8" from the end of the hose .So everything is out of the way when i change blades which makes for smooth sailing when i cut on the dotted line,lol.No more cheap brass bushings to wear out either .this babys got 1/4" needle bearings on the back of the arm . i modified it to accept chain lube from a spray tube into the sealed bearing holder so its lubed for life. I've dreamed of a saw with needle bearings as the bushings wear out way to fast and then you have blade wobble.Model 113.236400 contractor series 20" variable speed with a d.c. servo motor no way of dogin this motor down ,maintains even speed all the time.built to last.hopefully american made but i dont know. :)

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