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This is Buford The Bull. You can go to the Works In Progress section and see the entire process of assembling this toy. Everything on it was cut on the scroll saw except for the top part of the compound cut for the ears. I couldn't cut that with the scroll saw because I don't have one that'll cut through four inches of wood. I wish I did.

Is it for a client, or just for your amusement? Great job! :thumbs:


Well I guess the answer is yes and no. It is for sale, but not a custom order. I have one more rocking toy to make, the rocking tractor, and I will have one of each of my rocking toys, unless I order more patterns that is. Actually, I'm gearing up for Christmas. This has been a VERY bad year as far as making any money. I'm hoping these rocking toys will sale closer to Christmas. If they don't, I wonder if I can roast hot dogs and trick my kids into thinking it's fourth of July, because Santa won't be leaving much.


I wish I was into woodworking when I had little ones.


All eight of my kids have gotten too big for these type of toys. I love doing them, but I sale them in hopes of making some extra cash.

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